Chapter One

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When I finally started to regain consciousness I expected to hear the beeps of various machines and smell the overly sterile environment of a hospital room. It took several minutes for me to pry my eyes open, but when I did, nothing was like I had expected. Instead of a bright, white walls I saw a grey room with accents of dark grey and sky blue. Instead of the hard mattress of a hospital bed, I was laying on a plush full size mattress, wrapped in soft fluffy blankets. As I looked around I began to panic. Where was Onyx?!? The black pitbull had been in the car with me when someone had ran the red light.
I was startled by the sound of someone clearing their throat. I quickly turned to see an older gentleman seated in the plush chair next to the bed. I frowned. Had he been there the whole time? If so, how did I miss him? Suddenly, I realized he might know where my baby was. I tried to speak, but all that I managed was a strange croaking sound.
"Shh, drink some water first, then I will do my best to answer whatever questions you may have." he said, as he helped me to sit up. He reached over and opened a bottle of water that had been sitting on the bedside table. After I drank a few sips I was able to speak a little bit.
"Where is my dog? Is he ok? He was in the car with me. Please, tell me that he's ok!" I begged.
"He's just fine. He has a broken leg, but he has refused to go very far. He's been sleeping at the foot of this bed the entire time you were unconscious. Would you like me to put him on the bed?"
I frantically nodded as he leaned down to pick up a very excited Onyx. As soon as he put him on the bed, he sat on my lap and began drowning me in kisses, licking away my tears of happiness. We remained like that for the rest of the evening until we both fell asleep, cuddled under the blankets. I was so happy that my baby was ok that it never crossed my mind to ask where I was and when I could go home.

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