Chapter Thirteen

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On the third day we were down yet another member of our group. Jin and Harper were still bonding, and, when we went to pick up Avery for breakfast, Jimin informed us that he was kidnapping her for the day. So the five of us decided to head back down to the rec area and play basketball. Well, they decided to play and I volunteered to keep score. At four foot eleven inches tall, basketball isn't exactly my forté.
The four of them hadn't been playing long when seven very familiar looking guys walked up. They had a basketball and appeared to be looking for an open area to play in. Unfortunately, there weren't any. I squinted, they looked familiar... Wait is that Monsta X? I did a double take. Sohn Hyunwoo, Lee Minhyuk, Yoo Kihyun, Chae Hyungwon, Lee Jooheon, Im Changhyun, and Shin Hoseok, or Wonho, were walking towards us.
Suziee waved them over. "Hey, do you guys want to join us? We can split up into teams of six."
This bitch, she knows I'd rather keep reading my book. Besides, I would end up looking like a fool if I started fangirling...
Jooheon frowned. "Wouldn't it be a team of five and a team of six?"
I sighed.. "She's trying to make me play..."
They all turned around, and almost immediately Kihyun, Jooheon, and Changkyun started freaking out.
"She's so tiny," they cooed.
"Changkyun, just because you're my bias, don't think I won't slap the shit out of you if you pat me on the fucking head."
I turned to see Jooheon and Kihyun reaching out. "Don't think you two are any different. Suziee, I am going back to my book."
They guys just stared at my retreating form confused.
I had just gotten back into my book when someone sat down next to me. I looked up to see Changkyun smiling at me.
"Sorry about that, Noona, we didn't mean to upset you. You're just absolutely adorable."
I smiled. "Don't worry about it, I overreacted. It just gets really old. I get that reaction pretty much anytime I meet anyone."
We turned back to watching our friends play. After a while everyone decided to take a break and I suggested that we all go to the deli for lunch and then come back. As we ate I observed our group. Jooheon, Changkyun, and Kihyun were all laughing and joking with Sierra and I. While Lily and Suziee were getting to know Hyunwoo, Minhyuk, and Hyungwon. Meanwhile, Wonho was very obviously trying to flirt with Becca, but he didn't seem to be making much headway.
Wonho was still flirting with Becca when we walked back into the rec area, but there were a few familiar faces waiting for us when we arrived. Jungkook took one look at the situation, and immediately started walking over.
"Minx," he called out.
Becca smirked, "Hey, Oppa!"
He cringed, but kept walking towards us. "Hey, guys, I see y'all met the girls"
While Wonho pouted the rest of the guys laughed. "Yeah we were playing basketball with them all morning." Jooheon smiled.
"Even short stuff?" A familiar voice chuckled.
"Shut the fuck up, Yoongi."
"Oppa," he corrected.
"Yeah, not gonna happen. I refuse to humor your Oppa kink."
"It's not a kink. It's being respectful!"
"Guys, can you please continue this later?" Hoseok asked.
"Fine.." Yoongi grumbled.
I sighed as I observed Jungkook and Becca, we were going to be down another couple tomorrow.
{Yoongi's POV}
I finally convinced the guys to go play a game of basketball, but just as we arrived at the court I heard the sound of a familiar laugh coming from the hall. I turned to look and what I saw ruined my mood instantly. Y/N was walking in between Jooheon and Changkyun from Monsta X, and she was giggling at something one of them had said.
I followed Jungkook when he started walking towards them. As I got closer I heard Jooheon mention that they had been playing basketball.
"Even short stuff?" I chuckled.
"Shut the fuck up, Yoongi."
"Oppa," I quickly said.
"Yeah, not gonna happen. I refuse to humor your Oppa kink."
Why the fuck does everyone think it's a kink?!?
"It's not a kink. It's being respectful!"
"Guys, can you please continue this later?" Hoseok asked.
{Avery's POV}
"Oppa, can we go get a massage today?" I begged.
"That actually sounds pretty good. I'll call and see what they have available today."
"Ummm, I already did..."
Jimin cocked an eyebrow.
"We have an appointment in half an hour." I smiled sweetly.
He just shook his head. "We'd better get ready to leave then."
I smirked, couples massages are fun plus the resort only had male masseuses available today. Jimin is not gonna like that, but hopefully I will benefit.
I was right, Jimin was fuming when he realized that another man was going to be touching my naked body. Once the two masseuses left to allow us to undress and lay down, he lost it.
"Avery, I do NOT like this. Why don't they have any women around for this? It isn't appropriate!" He fumed.
"But, Oppa, it's just a massage. Why are you so upset?" I questioned as I pulled my shirt off.
I slowly slid my shorts down and stepped out of them, turning around.
"He's just going to work some kinks out of my back and legs.."
I reached back, unclipping my bra, and allowing it to drop to the floor. As I hooked my tums in the waistband of my panties I heard him groan. I looked over my shoulder to see him wrapping a towel around his waist, desperately trying to hide his arousal. I smirked, part one of my plan is a success. Now for part two.
{Jimin's POV}
As I lay on the table getting my massage I couldn't help but remember how amazing Avery's body looked as she undressed. It felt like she had been doing a striptease just for me, and if it hadn't been for the fact that we weren't alone, I would have pushed her against the wall and taken her there and then.
Goddamn it. Just the memory was making me hard, and her moaning wasn't helping a damn thing...
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the massage was over. The moment we were dressed I grabbed her by the elbow, and all but drug her out of the spa, towards the elevator.
"Hush," I glared at her.
When the elevator finally reached our floor I pulled her to our room, punch in the keycode, and shoved her inside.
I went and sat on the couch.
She looked surprised.
"I said strip. You were being a fucking tease earlier so now you get punished."
{Avery's POV}
I didn't expect Jimin to be so dominant, but, if I am being honest, it was sexy as fuck. I reached for the hem of my shirt.
"Wait." He reached over and moments later You Know by Got7's Yugyeom started playing.
I just looked at him.
"What? It's a sexy song, now start."
I began to slowly move my hips to the beat, pulling my shirt over my head and throwing it away. I turned around, giving Jimin a good view of my ass as I slid my shorts off. I turned around and slowly walked over to him, sliding first one bra strap and then the other off my shoulders. I placed one arm across my chest, reaching back and unclipping my bra with the other. Slowly I dropped my arm, allowing my bra to fall to the floor as I got closer to him. As I came to a stop in front of him, I began to reach for the hem of my thong, but he stopped me.
He stood up, walked behind me and pushed me forward.
"Grab onto the back of the couch," he growled.
I quickly obeyed. I held back a moan as he hand traced up the inside of my thigh. I couldn't stop the whimper that escaped when his hand stopped just shy of my aching core.
"My my aren't you a needy girl."
I shuddered as his fingertip traced the lacey fabric that covered my clit. He chuckled as he circled it, applying a small amount of friction.
"Jimin, please don't tease me."
"But, Princess, you teased me earlier. Why shouldn't I tease you a little?"
"I.. I'm... sorry.. Jimin. Please.."
"Well since you asked so nicely.."
He hooked a finger into the crotch and yanked, ripping the thong in half. Before I even knew what was happening, he thrust inside of me, and began snapping his hips at a ridiculous pace. Suddenly I felt a sharp sting as he slapped my on the ass, and I couldn't help but let out a moan.
"You like that, Princess? You like it when I spank you?"
I could only moan out in response. When he slapped me again, I felt that familiar coil tighten and it was already close to snapping. I began to throb around him as Jimin continued to pound into me. He reached forward grabbing my ponytail and pulling.
"Cum for me, Princess" he whispered.
As I fell apart, I felt his thrusts become more and more sloppy. Moments later I felt him pull out and shoot his cum all over my back.

 Moments later I felt him pull out and shoot his cum all over my back

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