Chapter Twenty Five

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We spent the next day in Seoul. We had just finished shopping, and had grabbed some lunch. We then decided to swing by BigHit to eat with the guys. We had just walked into the company, when we spotted a familiar face.
Lee Joon Gi.
Thankfully, he entered an elevator before he noticed any of us. Wondering why he was here, we quickly made our way upstairs, to the boy's practice room. We arrived just as they finished a run through of Mic Drop.
"Hey, baby." I greeted Yoongi.
He walked over, trying to give me a hug. I wrinkled my nose, running away.
"No, you're all sweaty!"
He just laughed, running after me. While we were running around the room, the others were laughing at us while they set out the food we had brought. Eventually, he caught me.
"You cheated!" I yelled. "You have longer legs than me! It's not fair."
He just laughed as he picked me up and spun me around. When he finally put me down, we sat on the floor with everyone else, and began eating.
Over the next half hour or so, we all laughed and joked. Just enjoying each other's company. We were cleaning everything up, when a grim Bang PD-nim walked through the door.
"Everyone come to my office. We need to talk."
I exchanged a worried glance with Sierra. Did Joon Gi have something to do with this?
The walk to PD-nim's office was eerily silent. When we finally arrived, we followed the man into his office, took our normal seats, and waited for someone to break the silence. Eventually PD-nim spoke.
"I overheard some very disturbing information just a few minutes ago." He paused. "Girls, were you brought here against your will?"
We sat there for several moments, in a stunned silence, before I finally broke it.
"Yes, we were."
Yoongi turned to look at me, a shocked and slightly hurt look on his face. "Kitten?"
I sighed. "We were told that our deaths had been faked, and that they would hurt our families if we said anything."
I sat there for several minutes, looking down at my lap. Finally, I looked back up. "How did you figure it out?"
"Mr. Lee received a phone call during our meeting so he stepped into one of our practice rooms. What he didn't realize is that those rooms are recorded, and I can see those recordings. He mentioned that he believed that you had kept your mouths shut, so the threats must have worked."
I could only nod my head in understanding.
"All of you should head back to the dorm while I figure this out."
Everyone was silent during the trip back to the dorm.
After we made our way inside, each couple went their separate ways to talk. I followed Yoongi to his recording studio to answer the questions I knew were coming.
"How did you end up being involved?" He asked, quietly.
"I was involved in a car accident. Someone took Onyx and I from the wreckage, and, using an unidentified body, they faked my death."
He sat there in silence for several moments before he asked his next question.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"They threatened to hurt my mom and my brother, Yoongi, I couldn't." I said sadly.
"Can you please leave me alone for a while? I need to think about everything."
I nodded, and turned to leave. I stopped at the door and looked back at him one more time. "Yoongi, don't forget that I really do care about you."

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