Chapter Twenty Eight

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The next day I was beyond thankful that it was my day off.

I had spent the majority of the night kneeling over the toilet, throwing up everything that I had in my stomach, dry heaving once there was nothing left to throw up. As I climbed back into my bed, I hoped that I would be able to get a few hours of sleep before I got sick again.

I woke up a few hours later to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I looked at my phone, and realized that I had twenty text messages and four missed calls from my friend, Kaitlyn. I drug myself out of bed and opened my door to find her standing there looking irritated.

"So now you can't even answer your phone?"

I groaned. "I was up all night, puking my guts up."

She instantly went from irritated to concerned. "Dude, go lay down and I will make you some soup. Do you want crackers and ginger ale?"

I grinned, she knew exactly what I wanted when I was sick. "Of course."


Kaitlyn left a few hours later, after making sure that I had eaten, and had plenty of food for the next couple of days. I had just laid down on my bed, planning to play a few video games, when my phone started ringing. I answered it immediately.


"Owww. Is it really necessary to scream in my ear?" I whined."

"Oh hush, is that anyway to speak to me after two weeks? I haven't heard from you since right after you got back to the States." She responded sasily.

I chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, so how is my main bitch?"

We spent the next hour talking about everything that had happened since I left. Sierra and Taehyung had returned from their honeymoon just in time to attend Jungkook and Becca's wedding. They would be getting married in a few days. After a few more minutes of idle chatter, Suziee answered the question that I had been to scared to ask.

"He's miserable, Y/N. He spends all day locked in his studio, and we never really see him."

"Is he eating?" I needed to know, even if he hated me, I still cared about him. Before she could answer though, nausea struck. I covered my mouth, running to the bathroom, as I tried to avoid vomiting until I made it to the toilet.

"Y/N? Y/N! Are you ok?!?"

Once I finished throwing up, I picked up my phone as I made my way to the sink so I could brush my teeth.

"Y/N, what the hell was that?"

"I was throwing up. I haven't been feeling so great for the past couple of days."

I almost dropped the phone after what she said next.

"Sweetie, when was your last period?"


I was sitting on my bathroom floor trying to convince myself to look at the pregnancy test that was sitting on the counter. Finally, I reached for my phone and called the two people I needed the most at that moment.


"I can't look."

"Hold on. Let me go get Sierra, ok? Then you can look while we're on the phone with you."

Moments later I heard Sierra join Suziee on the other end of the phone. I took a deep breath and walked over to the counter. I picked up the test, and there was the answer. I was pregnant. I stared at the test in shock, trying to figure out what I was going to do next.

"So what does it say?"

"I.. I'm pregnant."

"What are you going to do?" Sierra asked.

"I'm going to raise my baby of course." I responded, ignoring the question that I knew she was really asking.

"Y/N, are you going to tell him?"

The tears started to fall as I contemplated my response. "I don't know. I want to. I know I should, he deserves to know, but what if he doesn't want it? He doesn't want me, so why would he want our baby?"

Suziee sighed. "I understand, sweetheart, just promise me you will think about it?"

"Yeah. I promise."

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