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{Yoongi's POV}
Y/N and I were currently at the hospital, waiting on our little girl to finally make her appearance. She had been in labor for seventeen hours at this point, and she was exhausted.
Just then a smiling nurse came into the room, to check the progress of her dilation."Looks like your at ten centimeters. I'll get the doctor."
I smiled as I looked at Y/N. "We're about to meet our baby."
Before she could respond, the doctor strode through the door, pulling on his rubber gloves. She smiled at us. "Are you ready to have this baby?"
My kitten just nodded her head, she looked exhausted.
I stood by her side, holding her hand as she brought our baby girl, Min Soonyi, into the world. It wasn't long before we heard our daughter's cries as she took her first breaths. As we listened, I leaned over and kissed Y/N on her head.
"Thank you, Kitten, she's beautiful."
An hour later we were settling into the hospital room when all of the aunts and uncles burst into the room.
"She's so cute." Jin cooed, as he looked down at the sleeping baby.
Over the next hour, until visiting hours were over, Soonyi was passed from aunt to uncle until they all had a chance to hold her.

Over the next few days we spent very little time alone. We constantly had visitors. PD-nim came to see our little girl, as did our families, and of course the other members of BTS, and their wives, spent the majority of their time there.
Today we were finally going to take little Soonyi home, and we were more than ready to leave. As we finished dressing the baby and repacking our bags, the nurse brought our discharge papers, and with that we were on our way home.
We made our way through a mob of reporters as security escorted us to our vehicle. As we walked, we were asked questions from every direction. They were asking about the baby, asking if she was healthy, etc. The question that caught my attention though, was when a female reporter asked if I still intended to marry Y/N.
I was annoyed, this reporter had been insinuating for months that we were only together because of the baby. She had also hinted that it wasn't even my child, and I was sick of her slanderous lies.
"Y/N and I will be announcing our wedding date once we have settled into our new roles as parents. We are going to spend the next few weeks enjoying our time with our new daughter. We would like to spend this time alone and in peace. Thank you."
With that we were on our way home with our new family.

{Your POV} Ten months later
"Breathe, bitch, breathe."
Suziee and Sierra were each holding one of my hands, trying to calm me down. I was so nervous that I had almost had a panic attack.
The day was finally here. In just a few short minutes I would be walking down the aisle, and marrying the love of my life.
Min Yoongi.
We had decided to get married on Jeju Island, at the same resort where we first spent time together. It was New Year's Eve, and we had timed the ceremony so that we would begin our new year with our first kiss as husband and wife.
"It's time."
I turned to see my father and step-father standing at the door ready to take me to my new husband. I took a deep breath, linking my arms with theirs, and began to walk down the aisle towards Yoongi.
I smiled when our eyes met. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo, he was dressed in all black, and he had a white rose pinned to his jacket. His smile grew larger as I got closer. When I reached him, both of my fathers handed me to him, and I felt as though my heart would burst. I was about to marry the man of my dreams, and we had a beautiful, happy, healthy daughter together.
I was the happiest woman in the world.

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