Chapter Seven

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It took me a few minutes to process what we had just been told. We were moving into the dorm with the guys... today. I wasn't prepared for this. I immediately started overthinking. Would we have to sleep in the same room as our fiance's? What if it we had to share a bed? I had just met Yoongi, and he didn't seem thrilled with the arrangement.
    With each passing second I withdrew further and further into my thoughts. I began breathing heavily, to the point that I eventually began to hyperventilate. I began rocking back and forth. I vaguely heard Suziee's voice in the distance, but I couldn't understand what she was saying. Suddenly I felt myself being carried out of the vehicle, after what felt like an eternity, I was placed on, what I assumed was, the floor. I felt a familiar warmth snuggle into my chest, I blinked as I slowly became aware of my surroundings.
    Onyx was sitting in my lap, his head pressed into my chest, feeling my heartbeat. As I began to calm down he looked up and licked the side of my face, his tail slapping against the floor. I looked up and saw twelve faces looking at me with varying levels of concern. Wait. Twelve? Where were Suziee and Sierra? That's when I realized that I had two sets of arms wrapped around me. After another minute or two, Onyx got off of my lap, giving the signal that my panic attack was over. Suziee and Sierra slowly helped me to my feet. I heard Jin say something about us having separate rooms, but I was too exhausted to process what I was being told. I felt myself being picked up, I laid my head on the person's shoulder as they carried me to my new room. Sierra helped me take off my makeup and change into more comfortable clothes. I barely made it back to the bed before I passed out cuddled with my little hero, thankful that his service training had paid off.

{Yoongi's POV}
    When I saw Namjoon's girl carrying mine, I was immediately concerned. Where was that fire I saw not even an hour ago? I was about to reach for her, when a black fur missile flew past and almost knocked me over. There was a black pitbull sitting on her lap, and he had a tan tactical vest on that stated he was a service dog. I furrowed my brow in confusion. Why did she have a service dog? After a few minutes she seemed to have calmed down, but she looked exhausted.
When Jin mentioned taking her to the girl's new room, I surprised myself by volunteering to carry her. I don't know why I did, but judging by the looks on the other guys faces, I wasn't the only one who was surprised. As I carried her, I took a moment to look at the woman in my arms. What secrets were hiding behind those eyes? I placed her on her bed and then swiftly left, running to safety and privacy of my studio.
I don't know what I felt while I was holding her, but I didn't think I liked it. I shook my head. I had to keep my distance, my career was my focus and I couldn't let some girl, especially one that I had just met, change that.

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