Chapter Twenty

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{Two days later}
That morning I slowly drug myself out of bed to take a shower before the day started. I was looking forward to our plans for the day. Bang PD-nim had booked a spa day, complete with massages, facials, manicures, and pedicures, for all seven of us girls. The only downside being that it started so early in the morning.
Yoongi and I had spent the last couple of days hanging out in our room, talking about everything and nothing. We had deep, meaningful conversations about our childhoods, hopes and dreams, and the future. We also talked about our favorite sports teams and playfully argued over which sport was the best. He had even apologized for how he had been treating me since our initial meeting.
I smiled as I remembered the feel of his lips on mine, when he would give me a soft kiss goodnight. Everything was going well, but I was annoyed. Yoongi had refused to go any further than a kiss here and there, since that first night. He had said something about not deserving the chance to touch me. It was sweet, but I was starting to get impatient. I had a taste of him, and now I wanted more.
A couple of hours later, Harper and Lily were getting their facials, Avery and Becca were getting their nails done, Suziee, Sierra, and I had just finished getting our messages, and were relaxing in the steam room. We sat there in silence for several minutes before Sierra broke the silence.
"Soooo, Y/N, what have you and Yoongi been up to since dinner the other night? Things seemed pretty tense, and no one has seen either of you since then."
I groaned, I knew this was going to come up. I told them everything, from the reason why I had been angry with him, to what happened after dinner, and the two days since.
"Sounds like an eventful few days." Suziee smirked, "So why do you seem so irritated about it."
"Because we haven't done anything since that first night! Everytime things start to get heated he backs away and spouts some kind of bullshit about not deserving me yet."
"Well he was kind of a dick..." Sierra commented.
"Yeah, I am well aware of that, but I am dying over here. I haven't had sex in over a year, and I am dying over here."
Suziee giggled, "You were just fine a few days ago."
"Yeah, but a few days ago I could ignore it. After that mind blowing orgasm, I can't just ignore it anymore," I pouted. "I'm running out of ideas here."
Suziee and Sierra shared a sly smile.
"Oh god, what are you two planning?"
{Yoongi's POV}
I know that Y/N is getting impatient. She has tried to push things further more than once over the past couple of days, but I just can't. I feel so guilty about how I treated her, and I want to prove to her that I truly care.
I don't want her to think that I just want this relationship to be physical. I know that we are getting married, so it might sound silly, but it is still arranged. So I have to be careful. I want to take care of her and protect her. For me to do that she has to trust me, and I haven't given her any reason to do that.
Until I feel like I have earned at least some of her trust, I will not have sex with her. I just have to be strong, I can resist her for now. I think...

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