love notes ❀ ryujin/yejin

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companion drabble pieces to The Grey Tales of Summer (cheerophobia)

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companion drabble pieces to The Grey Tales of Summer (cheerophobia)

[ gxg, romance/fluff-ish | 816 w ]

this is written in english + lowercase intended. told from yejin's point of view.
the characters are from my collaboration project which you can check out on that account I've mentioned above ♡


we had been sitting side by side one night on lee felix's couch when i asked her about the tattoo. ryujin was a sunset glow: her sleeveless top was ravishing red as a poppy, and the yellow apricot blossoms on her forearm were blooming wild. the tattoo was ryujin's 18th birthday present, and i had been the one who picked it out for her. to my surprise, she had never once complained about the delicate flowers nor the bright color. "it's too me," i told her. had i chosen a fire-breathing dragon or some bold looking symbols, it would have been more her. for the umpteenth time i asked her why she hadn't got it removed yet. and this time a tender smile graced her lips, a loving gaze met my questioning one. "it's beautiful. just like you. why would i want to get rid of it?"

shin ryujin once told me that she loved me a million times more than she loved her guitar. i hadn't believed her, not for a second or two. one would say her guitar was an equal to her limbs she couldn't live without. I would say the guitar was her soulmate, like it was made for her and she was made to play the symphony of seven heavens with it. no doubt, creatively excited ryujin was one of my favorite ryujin (couldn't say the same for jeongin and felix who were the constant victims of her misplaced frustrations.) down in the garage, our makeshift practice studio, she would scribble notes on a piece of paper, strummed a tune and sang nonsense to fill in where the lyrics supposed to be. then she would come to me with the same piece of paper and a pen. we would write the words together, finishing each other's lines as if the song was a puzzle and we kept a few pieces each in our hearts. she'd look at me with her twinkling eyes, like i was a miracle sent by angels. and i'd fall in love, again and again.

her kisses were a brush of stardust against my skin. they were warm and gentle, yet they burned me with the slightest of touch. i was her art, and she was the prodigy. she danced with her fingertips, spoke of silence, yet i heard a love song loud and clear between the wild thumps of my heart. she painted me with her red. the red so loathed by my mother. the red so vibrant it tinted my pale blue sky to a lilac. the red flush of my cheeks, and the red roses she left on my garden.
she opened a whole new universe for me to explore, and she freed me from the confines of my world. a small world, it was.

my dear mother despised shin ryujin to the bones. it was quite self-explanatory. hatred radiated from her cold stare as she watched us laughing on the driveway of my house every evening, back in my school years. even when we were "bestfriends" (we had never been bestfriends, you ought to label it that way when your mother wasn't the most accepting human being.) she told me to stay away from "her sorts". i was a fine lady, at least she wanted me to be. i played the piano, i joined the school choir, i went to church every saturday and i was soft spoken. a princess in making. ryujin was everything i wasn't. she was free-spirited, loud as the hardcore rock music she liked to bob her head to. she was wild fire. how unfortunate for my mother, i was most attracted to her charms.
you've heard of this timeless story before, of opposites attract, of the highborn lady and a ragged bastard. but i was no lady and she was no bastard. and this wasn't a fairytale.

shin ryujin didn't make empty promises and whisper sweet lies to my ears, but she did promised one thing. "someday i'll take you away to somewhere far, yejin, where we don't have to worry about anything. i promise."
she held me tight like i'd float and vanish to thin air if she let go even for a mere second. i buried my face to her shoulder and i thought we cried. at least i did. we both knew it was a big promise, an audacious scenario unlikely to happen. it was but a glint of summer sun in the coldest and cruelest of winter. in short, hardly possible and immensely difficult. i didn't let the bleak future ate away my faith nor I let the presence of doubt linger. i believe in her and her promises, should i live my nightmares for it to come true, i'd withstand it however long it should take.

i am still here, waiting for the stars to align with our dreams.
— park yejin.

so basically these drabbles are parts of the story i can't include in the main plot.
and ugh ... i just want to practice my writing skills in english haha.

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