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It was just a normal evening in bangtan's house (I think) well anyways out of nowhere jhope just asks what would happen if there was a fire in the house and this is what he gets from the members.

Jhope: Guys imagine there was a fire in the house. What would you take.

Jungkook: My super computer duh!

Jimin: didn't it break?

Jungkook: I had a backup one in my closet.

Jimin: Your golden closet film??

Jungkook: Whatt? No!!

Jhope: Well what would you take Jimin?

Jimin: I would take jungkook


Jungkook: I would run away before suga hyung can even rap.

Jhope: No one can run that fast!

Jungkook: didn't you see me run?

Jhope: oh yeah. Taehyung what would you take?

Taehyung: my Gucci and Yeontan!!

Jhope: ok ok. Jin?

Jin: My Mario, pink dresses and my mirror!!

Jhope: umm I thought you would just take your mirror.

Jin: What nonsense!!

Jhope: No one calls a sunshine nonsense!!

Suga: can you shut the hell up. And what nonsense are you talking about??

Jhope: I'm asking what would everyone take if there was a fire in the house?

Suga: I would take a nap

Rm: guys, I tried cooking and made a fire!!

Jhope: Guys run for your life!!

Jungkook:*runs away with the super computer*

Jimin:*chases jungkook out of the building*

Taehyung:*puts Gucci clothes on yeontan to make it easier to run*

Jin:*takes out a luggage and starts packing*

Jhope:*gives a piggyback ride for suga*

Rm:*Grabs jin after jin finished packing*

Hitman bang:*sniffs* Is there a fire?? BOYS THERE I- *sees bangtan out off the house through the window*

Hitman bang: Oh shit I need to run!! *dies*

Meanwhile outside

Bts: dashi run run run

Jimin:*panting* did we lose anyone while running

Rm: Let's check so.....

Taehyung: Kim namjoon, Kim seokjin, min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook BTS!!!

Jungkook: looks like everyone is there!

Jimin: WAIT!!

Rm: who!?

Jimin: BANG PD NIM!!!!

Bts look at their house which is getting burnt

Jin: Well.................Atleast he won't get to know I broke his phone!!!

Jhope:*drops suga hard on the floor* NAMJOON HYUNG HOW DARE YOU THOUGHT JIN HOW TO BREAK STUFF!!!!!

Suga: Hoseok WHY DID YO- can anyone explain why we are outside the house??

Jhope: well Rm started cooking and burnt the house down!

Suga: But can't we jus-

Jhope: oh and he killed bangpd nim!!

Suga: Whatt!! you know what I don't care.

Jungkook: Suga hyung, what were you gonna say before??

Suga: Oh right, well can't we just buy a new house?

Bangtan: OH YEAH!!!

Jin: Well since we aren't doing anything, where do doctors see patients??

Suga: Oh please don't

Jimin: I don't know, where?

Jungkook: you ain't being helpful hereeeee

Jin: AN ICU ROOM *windshield wiper laugh*

Suga: I'm gonna sleep now!

Thx for more than 100 reads and 50 followers

I don't know what to say anymore

World: ..........
Barack Obama:.......
Shawn Mendes:........
Jhope: you very no fun!
Someone in the crowd:*throws a chair*
Me:fine, I'll leave

Love yourself, love myself, peace

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