Chapter 1: The Book

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"All hail the Gunslinger!" Many people cheered at once.

Y/N was on top of a stage waving to all the people in this kingdom. He looked to his left and saw a younger girl with Violet hair and violet eyes. She wore a royalty robe with a white dress. She smiled at him dearly,

"Congratulations Sir Y/N! You were able to defeat the wave single handedly!"

Y/N only nodded in response. He tipped his hat towards the girl.

"Sir Gunslinger, your accomplishments against the wave were outstanding. The heros were not able to handle this wave, but yet you came in and saved us all. For that, I cannot thank you enough for this country. As Queen, you have my honor-" the woman with purple hair started to talk, but everything started to fade away from Y/N.

"What's going on?" He asked looking around in circles. He started to freak out a bit, but a white light came into view.

Present Time

"Gwuah!" Y/N gasped as he sat up on his bed. "What kind of dream was that?"

He groaned and got out of bed. A very long stretch was needed for him.

"This first night I'm here in Japan and I had that kind of dream? He asked himself. He still felt a little bit of jet legged from the flight. However, that wasn't going to stop him from his trip.

Y/N is a 17 year old young man. Just graduated highschool, he is using his graduation present to visit Japan, Tokyo mostly.

"The paradise of manga and anime, this city is something else. However," he scratched his head.

"What was that dream about?"

After a while, Y/N visited downtown Tokyo for the first time. He was amazed by the scenery and all the people. There were a few people gathering up at what looked like a game store.

"Huh?" Y/N asked himself looking around. Finally he saw a small promotion for Mortal Kombat 11 on a poster.

"Ah okay, so that was released today. I heard it was highly anticipated, ten was pretty good." He said. A few Japanese people looked at him with a weird look, not understanding what he was saying.

"Might as well check it out," Y/N then walked to the game store and saw that they were sold out of the game. There were collectables for sale as well. Figurines, hats, shirts, phone cases and many more.

"Damn, they go all out here. That Erron Black action figure is pretty slick. It's his gunslinger from. What's the price?" Y/N thought to himself and looked at the price tag. He converted the yen amount to American dollars to see if it was a deal or not.

Y/N eyes went wide open when he saw the price of the figurine.

"That's cheap compared to what it would be at home!"

A few people looked at him like he was weird but he paid no mind. He quickly bought the figure and walked out.

"Let's see, what is there to do" Y/N mumbled while looking a tourist book on things to do. Nothing really interested him to do that day, he was still pretty tired from the flight.

He then spotted a book store and it seemed to be quite busy,

"Must be a good manga shop. They look busy"

He walked inside and was speechless, it was a two story book store. He wondered around each aisle to see if anything was interesting. While scanning each shelf, something caught his attention.

The Waves of Catastrophe

"That's odd, weird title" Y/N said to himself while opening the book, he held the Erron Black figurine in his left hand. He then saw a picture of a Spear, Bow, Sword, and a Shield.

The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black Where stories live. Discover now