Chapter 10: The Cowboy

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Y/n was currently outside looking over a few things in his HUD screen before he headed out.

"Not really anything to go by with this type of murder. No clues, nothing" he spoke to himself. "Masao did say that his beloved ones were killed from being frozen solid in the inside. That means, the caster if it had to be in this area somewhere close. And that only leaves it for the caster to had been invisible or cast it from the trees."

Sistine and Toothless walked up to Y/n while he talked to himself.

"You ready Y/n?" Sistine asked him. He looked over at the two and his reply shocked her and Toothless.

"Actually, I'll be going alone for this one."

"Wait why? What happens if you were to get hurt?" She replied worriedly.

"I'll be fine. Besides, I need you and Toothless to stay here and protect this village while I'm gone. Hopefully it won't take me too long" Y/n put a hand on her shoulder.

"But, we're a team! We always do things together? What is so different now?" She retorted. She was really worried right now and didnt want Y/n to do anything stupid.

"Well, I dont know what I'm getting into to be quite honest and having both you and Toothless could scare off the culprit, so me going alone is the only option. I need you to stay here and protect these people if there is anything else was to happen to them." Y/n replied while moving his hand from her shoulder to her head to rub it.

Chief Masao soon walked over to thank Y/n for his help once more. Even though theres really nothing to go by, he is still grateful that a hero is helping his village out.

"Thank you once more Y/n, I dont know what I would do without your help."

"No need to thank me just yet. Like I said, haven't even found the culprit. However, are there anymore living areas nearby? We came from the east and didn't pass any, more of individual homesteads here and there. Maybe people around us know more about this mystery person" Y/n asked Masao, he needed everything he could possibly find.

"Well" Masao started, he then pointed south, "If you take the nearby river downstream, you'll have a two day travel on foot to the next inhabited area. Village isn't really a good term for those people, quite the group." He then pointed North, "If you go upstream, it'll be a four day travel to the next village. We have frequent contact with them for trades and information regarding to the nearest country"

Y/n couldn't help, but blink at what was just told to him. 'So, he just explained that the area downstream is quite the bunch. And he didn't send Jay and Gen there? Something must be up if he knew that'

"Alright, thank you for that, I will definitely head downstream first." Y/n nodded his head after replying, he then saw Masao bow in gratitude walk away.

Y/n then turned back to Sistine and gave her a confused look.

"You hear how that was explained the first place? Something seems up about that place. That's where I'm heading now"

Y/n turned to Toothless and gave him a rub on his head, "you be good now, protect these people with Sistine. I'm counting on you two" Y/n then turned back to his trusted mage.

"You do whatever possible as well. Shouldn't take me long, but you never know about this world." He rubbed her head to mess up her hair, she yelled and smacked his arm away.

"Dont do that! I hate when you do that" she blushed slightly while yelling. She then saw Y/n turn around to leave. To much of all three of them, Sistine ran up and gave Y/n a hug from behind. She buried her face into his back.

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