Chapter 15: Close Call

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A/N: So my other Male Reader stories are written in 2nd Person. This is one is written in 3rd person. However, this chapter will be written in 2nd person and if you all like it, then Ill keep it like this or go back to the 3rd person. Anyways, I hope you enjoy.

Sistine was getting impatient with you being gone. Yes she had Toothless, but she felt very insecure when it came to being by herself here. Her and Toothless were sitting at a table outside the local Inn at Loot Village.

"It's almost mid day and he isn't back yet.." Sistine huffed.

Toothless rolled his eyes, he had complete faith in his master. For being a dragon, he quickly understood humans quickly and how they act with one another.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me" Sistine stared the dragon down. "Out of everyone to trust here in this world, Y/n is the best case."

Toothless smirked and fired off a small plasma attack and blew a heart shaped smoke cloud out. This made her blush immediately, "S-stop that! It isn't like that!!" She yelled.

Toothless shook his head at the girl and laid it down. If they were going to wait for you, he was just going to sleep some more.

"It isn't like that..." Sistine pouted while thinking about the gesture from Toothless. This made her think of all the times you two had while being in this world. You saving her, taking care of her, putting your life in danger to protect her, all of those thoughts ran through her mind, but it came out to be a clear picture with you giving her a warm smile. This caused her to blush even more, "maybe I do like him"

Her thinking was brought to an end when her and Toothless were suddenly teleported from their spot. They were brought back to the middle of the village after their vision cleared.

"What just happened?" Sistine questioned in disbelief. Her question was answered quickly when she heard a southern accent erupt the air.

"Damn, helluva a trick I didn't know about" you spoke out loud. You were then tackled by a familiar scaly creature, sending your hat away from you.

"Toothless!! Off me boah!" You commanded in between licks from the dragon.

"Good to see you're back" Sistine huffed. Toothless quickly got off you. You got up, dusted yourself off and picked your hat up.

"What's with the face sweetheart?" You questioned while putting the hat on and straightening out to your liking.

Sistine blushed at the comment, she coughed and turned her head away from you. "Y-you had me worried" she whispered.


"You had us worried! We didn't know what was taking you so long" Sistine stammered.

"Ahhhh" you smirked, "Well aren't you just sweet for worrying about me still. You should know that I'll be fine no matter what. Ain't nobody gonna kill me off or us, I won't let that happen" you rubbed her head.

"Your cockiness will get the best of you one day" Sistine muttered.

"Not gonna happen, I'm the god damn best at what I do"

Sistine sighed at that response, "Anyways, what did you just do that made us teleport?"

"Oh that, Ren and Itsuki told me that you can fast travel in this world. To all the places you've been before" you explained.

"So...." Sistine began to reply to that, but quickly caught on to the fact you said the other two heroes name's. "When did you see Ren and Itsuki?!? More important! Are you okay?!" Sistine yelled with worry in her tone.

The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black Where stories live. Discover now