Chapter 5: The Day Before

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"As source of thy power, I command thee, defy the laws of nature-" Sistine tried to use a new spell on a orange balloon. However, a gun shot interrupted her and killed the little creature.

"Y/N!" She whined.

"You were taking too long, you'll get killed before you even cast the spell" he nonchalantly replied while blowing the smoke off his barrel. She huffed and gave a pout face towards him. Y/N laughed and walked up to her. He gave her a little head pat.

"I'm sorry, I just cant have anything bad happening to you. Try to do what Glenn told you to do. Use substitute words for the spell, rather than casting the whole thing"

"Fine" she sighed, Y/N was walking away without paying attention, this made Sistine grow a small smirk.

"Shock" she pointed her finger at him. There was a wave of electricity heading right for Y/N. She was hoping it would hit, but she was disappointed when he pulled his pistol and shot a magic cancellation bullet.

"You're gonna have to be faster than that!" Y/N replied and turned around to look at his companion. He saw her stats and thought about what they could do,

Sistine Fibel Level 20 Mage


"All looks to be well. We have a day and a half for the Wave. She does need something else, armor and a weapon. We are about a two hour walk to Melromarc" he talked to himself.

Sistine was casually looking at the field that they were in. She enjoyed the beautiful sight, but her attention was caught when Y/N yelled at her.

"Sistine! We are heading for Melromarc!" Y/N yelled while motioning his hand for her to follow him.

"How come!?" She asked in curiosity.

"You need some armor and a weapon. Just because you're highly trained in a short amount of time with magic, there's always in need of a backup plan." He replied while walking still. Sistine sighed in annoyance and started to run after him. A few seconds went by and she finally caught up to him. She did notice that Y/N was looking quite worried.

"You okay?" She asked getting his attention. Y/N nodded his head,

"Yeah but I ain't going to lie. I'm as jumpy as spit on a hot skillet for the Wave. We dont know what we are getting into" he replied. Despite having these characteristics like Erron Black, he was very insecure about everything.

"We will be just fine" Sistine replied with a smile. She grabbed Y/N's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I just know it"

Y/N laughed a little, he took his hand and rubbed her hair. She was very cute when she acted all sincere and optimistic.

"You're naive you know that?"

"Just thinking on the bright side" she replied with a shoulder shrug.

"But, that does help a little. Maybe you should act like this more often, it suits your cuteness" he replied. This made Sistine's face turn to a dark shade of red.

"I-uh" she was flustered. Y/N laughed even more and patted her back.

"Let's get to Melromarc darlin" he replied. He mentally sighed from annoyance at the country boy speech, but he was slowly getting used to it. It also felt kinda good when he called Sistine those things. Made him feel all fuzzy.

'No it can't be' he thought, he then unwillingly looked at her again. She was admiring the view they had while walking to the kingdom. Sistine's green eyes glistened with excitement and curiosity. Her silky white/grey hair flowed naturally with the small gusts of wind. She had a smile plastered on her face that could make any guy fall at her feet at any moment.

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