Chapter 8: A New Member

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Y/N and Sistine stayed another night in the capital before heading out. They ended up returning to the castle to have a reward given to them. The spear, bow, and sword hero received a great amount of silver coins, but Naofumi and Y/N did not. Didn't really bother the Y/N or Sistine, in fact Y/N told the king to screw off. Motoyasu tried standing up for him once more, but he backed down when Y/N threatened him with another ass kicking.

"Leave this instant!" The King ordered. Y/N simply waved his hand, he and Sistine left quickly. They were outside of the capital now and were heading out.

"So, where we off to now?" Sistine asked while carrying the egg.

"To see an old friend. Let them know about the king and princess. Because if this gets out of hand, we can kiss all of our asses goodbye. We ain't gonna get far, so I think we should stay at Loot village this evening. I've got a few things I need to look at." Y/N replied looking at his HUD screen. A bunch of new notifications popped up.

Y/N Gunslinger Lvl 34

Sistine Fibel Mage Lvl 27

"Wonder how many combos I can do before I'm worn down" he mumbled to himself. Sistine looked at him in confusing and shook her head.

"You mumble a lot, and it gets on my nerves sometimes" she laughed.

"Hm? Why so?"

"I dont really know. Something about it makes it irritating. I'd like to know what you're talking about" she replied.

"With my two level increase, I was just wondering how many combos I can do before being worn down."

"Sounds like we can try that later on. After we get to Loot town" Sistine replied with a small smile. Y/N couldn't help but smile back.

"You need me to carry the egg? Yer little arms seem to be getting worn down" he teased. Sistine gasped and yelled at him.

"I am stronger than I look you know!" She huffed and started to walk faster, passing Y/N.

"Yeah" Y/N replied, "that's the truth" he whispered the last part.

It was getting pretty late in the evening, Y/N and Sistine finally made it to the hill before Loot. It was the same hill they got teleported to when the wave hit.

Sistine looked around, just really amazed how in a few short days, it looked like nothing happened to the place.

"Crazy how this world works" She muttered.

"Ya can say that again darlin." Y/N replied unwillingly. This made Sistine grow a blush on her face. Y/N could only sigh at what he said.

"Come on, we wanna make it there before dark" she whispered trying to hide her face from him. She walked ahead, Y/N took a second before following her.

"What am I gonna do?" Y/N spoke to himself. He looked at Sistine as she looked back to see Y/N hadn't moved.


"Yeah, I'm coming" Y/N smiled through his mask and caught up with her.


"Hey Sistine" Y/N shook the girl as she was sleeping. It was very early the morning, he woke up due to the sound of cracking.

Sistine could only groan and toss around in the bed. "5 more minutes" she musterd out.

"The egg is about to hatch" that was all Y/N needed to say for Sistine to get out. She had a bit of bed hair, which caused Y/N to laugh.

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