Chapter 16: Judgement

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A/N: 3rd POV was the majority vote in the previous chapter. So I will write the rest of this book in that format. I hope you all enjoy this one.

Not far from the Checkpoint, Naofumi and his party were transported there by Fitoria, the current Fiolial queen. A few days prior, Naofumi and the others had quite the experience. They were running from Myne and the other heroes, encountered a person who caused great trouble to Raphtalia in her past, also fighting a dragon that the previous Heroes sealed away, and that led them to Fitoria.

During their time with Fitoria, Filo had peaked the interest of the Fiolial Queen, and after a battle, she determined that Filo was fit to become the next Fiolial Queen, so she made her the heir to it. That process involved giving Filo a cowlick, which she despised. Everyone else thought it looked cute on her, but with her being navie and stubborn, which was traits that resembled someone she knew, she continued to pull the piece of hair off.

"So a hero is nearby?" Naofumi asked Fitoria, she had mentioned earlier that she was transport them to a place near a hero, so Naofumi could try to get everyone on the same page again.

"Yes, I must leave now, remember your promise Shield Hero. If one hero dies, then fighting the wave becomes near impossible." She then vanished right in front of their eyes.

"Couldn't have told us which hero it was?" Naofumi sighed. "Come on, let's head for the checkpoint. If it is Ren or Itsuki, then maybe we have a good chance of getting through to either one of them"

Time Skip

At the checkpoint, there were multiple soldiers across the walk away of the wall. One of them was looking out into the distance and noticed some movement. He did his best to narrow his vision down. He gasped in disbelief in what he saw coming over the hill, so he quickly ran to let the hero know who was coming.

Naofumi and everyone else were  pretty close to the checkpoint. He had his eyes fixated on the entrance at the checkpoint. Raphtalia and Melty looked at the shield hero in worry, but they trusted him with what he chooses to do. The only other person they could trust in this situation would be Y/n, and all them had him and his party in their prayers.

Upon arriving to the checkpoint, Naofumi was met by no other than Motoyasu, the Spear hero. A mental groan ran through Naofumi's mind, but he needed to make him listen. So, Naofumi got off the carriage, that was given by Fitoria, and headed to speak with Motoyasu.

"Motoyasu, let us through, I wish to not fight you." Naofumi stated. Motoyasu clenched his spear in anger.

"Is that all you have to say?"

"Huh?" Naofumi was confused. He didn't know what Motoyasu was talking about.

"Is that all you have to say?!? Traitor!" Motoyasu yelled and darted at Naofumi, attacking the shield hero. "Devil of the Shield!" He tried to use more force, but Naofumi held his ground.

"Wait a minute Motoyasu. Let's talk through this!" Naofumi pleaded. 'He's really trying to kill me' He thought while defending himself.

"Master Naofumi!" Raphtalia yelled with worry filling her voice. Naofumi put a hand up to signal that everything was okay so far.

"Why should I listen to you!?! You and that brain washing shield!?! After what you did to Ren, Itsuki, and even Y/n! You tricked us! You said that we needed to work together and you betrayed us!" Motoyasu yelled while continuing his attack. Naofumi tried his best to talk while blocking his attacks.

"What are you talking Motoyasu!?"

"You're even more heartless than I thought! Pitiful! I finally know my reason why I was summoned here. It is to defeat you once and for all, MURDER!" Motoyasu yelled, this caused Naofumi and his party to stare in shock. Naofumi was able to force him off and create see distance between the two.

The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black Where stories live. Discover now