Chapter 14: Truth Revealed

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Y/n and the others were flying above the forest. After that interaction, Sistine and Toothless could feel the tension between them. Not that he was upset with them, but the constant behavior of Motoyasu and Myne was just unacceptable.

"Y-y/n" Sistine hugged him to get his attention. This spooked him a bit, but she felt that he relaxed more. She broke away after he relaxed.

"Sorry" Y/n muttered out with a sigh. "I guess I let it get the best of me again"

"No, it's okay" Sistine replied. "I'm just glad you didn't do something you would regret"

"Yeah, I s'pose. I'd hate to kill someone who's valuable to this world, even if he is a complete dumbass." Y/n took his hat off to scratch his head. "It's over now, I'm over their nonsense. I can't do what the queen asked me to do."

"It's all going to be alright" Sistine tried to comfort him.

"Yeah, in time. We just need to find Naofumi and go on our own way from there. Tell him about me summoned by the Queen."

"Wait.." Sistine was slightly confused.

"As of this moment, we are going to do what we want. No more trying to make the other's work together. Hell, I'm more powerful than any of them" Y/n answered. "Not trying to brag, but that was showcased when I fought Glass. Though, something about that fight seemed a bit....weird"

"What do you mean?" Sistine asked. "just know that Toothless and I are with you every step of the way until we can go home" she replied to the first statement after asking Y/n.

"Part of me believes she wasn't fighting at her full strength, or she was too stunned to even think of who I am. I mean she's obviously strong. The bullets that can normally kill someone, and it affected her, but not enough to fully kill. So, that means she's really strong and that only means I have to get stronger" he clenched his fist in determination.

"We'll do that, together" Sistine smiled brightly.

Toothless roared in agreement. Y/n couldn't help but smile at his companions. He was truly blessed to have them two. "thank you, I really mean it. Thank you" Y/n patted Toothless' head. He turned to his side and pulled Sistine into a side hug, this made her blush madly.

"I guess we need to find Naofumi and speak to him" Y/n rubbed Sistine's head and then began to look down, he changed into his Marksman variation and pulled his rifle out. This allowed Y/n to zoom in closely into the forest area that they were currently flying over.

"Hmm" he mumbled, there wasn't much to see because of the branches and leaves, but something caught his eye. A small white smoke emitted from a gap within the trees. "Toothless" Y/n got his attention, "down there, I believe I found them or something" he pointed to the area. Toothless grunted in agreement and descended down.

As they landed in the gap, they were quickly met by Naofumi and Raphtalia drawing their weapons. Melty had gotten behind Filo, frightened at the scene.

"Easy" Y/n spoke, this made them two to relax. He and Sistine got off of Toothless and made their way over to Naofumi and the others.

"You can't just go and scare people like that Y/n" Naofumi shook his head.

"I mean the hell you want me to do? Sneak up from a different location? I saw a bit of white smoke emitting from this gap, I had a feeling it was Filo changing forms" Y/n replied crossing his arms.

"Good guess, found us quickly" Naofumi smiled while scratching his head, "I assume nothing terrible happened since you were able to escape"

"Yeah.... About that" Y/n sighed. He looked over to see Filo run up to pet Toothless. Sistine had stayed by his side, Raphtalia and Melty had joined Naofumi's side.

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