Polar Opposites, but with some similarities

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Patton POV

"When do you think he'll text me?"  I wondered out loud. 

"Soon most likely."  Answered Emile. 

"You get to go on a date with the nerd."  Teased Remy, throwing a crumpled piece of paper at me. 

"It's not a date."  I said, flushing bright red.  "We're just having dinner with his parents and discussing the project." 

"Yeah that too."  Mumbled Remy.  "Where's our egg babe?"  Remy turned to Emile. 

"Babe?"  I asked with a smirk.  Both of them flushed. 

"I call both y'all that."  Said Remy quickly.  "Nothing special if I call Emile that.

"Sure."  I said with a smirk. 

"Our egg is right here."  Emile told him, holding up a little egg that was bundled up in a baby blanket. 

"What'd you name yours?"  I asked them. 

"Carmel Macchiato."  Answered Remy, taking a sip from his Starbucks. 

"Or Carmel for short."  Added Emile. 

"Does anything you do not include coffee?"  I asked Remy. 

"Nope."  He laughed in response, taking a long sip from his coffee.  He leaned back in his chair, putting his feet up on Emile's desk. 

We had come over to my house to try to find me something nice to wear when I go to Logan's.  Remy said I need to look absolutely, positively, head-turning, fabulous when I go over. 

Hopefully my parents don't find out Remy and Emile were here while they were gone. 

My phone buzzed in my hand, causing me to jump a bit.  I looked at my phone to see a notification that told me I got a text from Logan. 

"Logan texted me!"  I screamed happily, jumping off the bed.  Emile jumped slightly from my sudden outburst. 

"Text him back!"  Yelled Remy, as excited as I am.  I opened the text quickly, a huge smile on my face. 

Logan Hawkins💙 : Hello Patton, my parents have agreed to having you over for dinner.  You may come over at 5 pm.  We'll be having dinner around 6 pm. 

'Sounds amazing!  😁  I'll be over shortly I can't wait to meet your parents!!! And see Squiggles again!!! 😃'

I read the text to Remy and Emile while typing out my response.  I was jumping up and down unable to contain my excitement. 

"Okay, we need to get you looking fabulous!"  Said Remy, getting off his chair and walking over to my closet. 

He started rummaging through all my clothes sighing and mumbling to himself. 

"Don't you own like any crop tops?"  Asked Remy, turning around to me. 

"No..."  I told him bashfully. He sighed but returned to rummaging through my closet. 

"Here ya go hon."  Said Remy, flinging a shirt at me.  I held it up to get a look at it.  It was a white shirt with little cartoonish cacti on it.  A soft pink sweater landed on my head.  I pulled it off my head and laughed. 

"Here."  Emile said while handing me a pair of light blue jeans.  Than he handed me my bubblegum pink converse. 

I walked over to my bathroom and stepped inside.  I turned to the mirror and started pulling my clothes off.  I set my glasses on the counter and started pulling on my new outfit. 

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