Time to panic and/or cry

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Logan POV

"I wanna adopt a puppy."  Said Patton, leaning against the locker next to mine.  It was a daily thing now.  Patton would show up at my locker every morning and we'd talk before class started. 

"Do you have the time to care for another living creature?"  I asked him.  Patton frowned. 

"No, but I really want a dog."  He pouted. 

"What type of dog?" 

Patton stayed silent for a bit while thinking. 

"I want a pug or a golden retriever."  He answered with a smile. 

"Maybe you can get one when you are older with your own home."  I suggested. 

"I don't wanna live alone once I'm older though."  He said, pouting again. 

"Maybe we can rent an apartment together."  I suggested before I truly thought it out.  Patton smiled brightly and grabbed my arm, shaking it from how much he was bouncing up and down.

"Really Logie?"  He asked. 

"There's no reason as to why it would be a bad idea." I said.  "It's our senior year.  After a year on campus for our freshman year of college, we can rent an apartment somewhere to finish out college." 

"That sounds amazing!"  He squealed, jumping up an down again.  I smiled down at the shorter boy.  The warm fuzzy feeling came back was I watched him. 

"Patton, Logan thank god!"  Said a voice from from down the hall.  We both turned in confusion to see Roman stop next to us. 

"Is something the matter Roman?"  I asked. 

"Have either of you seen Virgil?"  He asked, slightly out of breath.  I looked over at Patton.  He seemed to be just as confused as I was. 

"No did something happen?"  Asked Patton, starting to worry. 

"I don't know."  Roman said, running his hand through his hair.  "He promised to meet me at our bench before school but now class is about to start and I haven't seen him yet."

"Take a deep breath and steady yourself Roman."  I told him.  "There is probably a logical reason as to why you haven't seen Virgil yet today." 

"I'm worried something might have happened to him after I dropped him back off at his house."  Said Roman, ignoring what I said. 

"I'm sure he's fine."  Said Patton gently, rubbing Roman's back to calm him down.  "He might just be at home sick or running late today." 

"He would've called or texted me than!"  Said Roman, starting to panic even more.  "What if he got hurt?  What if Jackson has him?"

"It's okay Roman."  Patton told him.  "I'm sure he's okay.  If you don't see him for the rest of the day, maybe stop by his house to check on him." 

"Besides, the two of you disappeared yesterday after lunch."  I said.  "He's probably just hiding somewhere."  I couldn't help the feeling of worry building in me for Virgil. 

"What did happen yesterday after lunch?"  Asked Patton.

"I apologized to Virgil for his locker and things were going well.  But than Jackson and some of my other friends showed up and tried to hurt him.  And we ran into the woods and hid from them.  Than we just stayed at the park for the rest of the afternoon."  He told us. 

"I hope he's okay."  Patton said.  "All of that yesterday must have been a lot for him." 

"Logan right, he's probably fine."  Roman said quickly, obviously trying to convince himself.  "I'll stop by his house after school today if he doesn't show."

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