Confrontation scares me

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I had an idea

Probably a bad one

It's for another start writing

I've been brainstorming for days and finally started telling people about it

What do you guys think? 

It's called Tales From Fox Forest

It's a Sanders Sides Fairytale AU that's a mix between Ever After High, Alice in Wonderland and The Hazel Wood

I have everything all figured out so if you guys want this book, I'll start writing it

I have everything all figured out so if you guys want this book, I'll start writing it

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FazzyFazBear ^^

Thesquirrellord ^^

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Thesquirrellord ^^


Patton POV
"What do you want?"  The obviously exhausted barista asked.  Her makeup was smudged and it looked like she had been crying.  I felt bad for her. 

"A vanilla latte with whipped cream, please,"  I told her.  "And a frosted sugar cookie."

"A white chocolate mocha with rainbow sprinkles, please,"  Emile said next.  "And I'll have a chocolate chip cookie."

Emile and I are getting coffee.  It's a day for us to hang out.  Finally have a get together as best friends since all this started.  Which was literally the start of the school year.  It's almost the end of the school year now.

The barista nodded and gave us the price.  Both Emile and I pulled out our wallets.  Matching pastel galaxy wallets we bought from Justice our freshman year when we first started questioning out sexual orientation.  It's a long story...

But that also reminded me of how pastel we dress now. I had a baby blue t-shirt with white overalls that had little blue stars on them. My pastel galaxy converse. Emile had on white jeans, a pink t-shirt and coffee brown cardigan.

"No, I'm paying,"  I told him. 

"Patton, I can buy our coffee,"  He told me.

"No, I'm not letting you pay for me,"  I said, trying to bypass him to the register.

But Now We're Stressed Out Where stories live. Discover now