You make us better

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I'm so sorry this chapter have been taking forever


Out of the REQD ship, which ships are your favorite and least favorite






Damien/Deciet x Quinn x Evan

I'm just curious because I realized how many different ships REQD is actually comprised of

Also, the song The Next Right Thing from Frozen 2 is the perfect song for Deceit and Quinn in the beginning of DLMBG when Quinn gets...ya know, trying not to spoil it too much (so Deceit being the one that sings it)

And I'm really sorry this chapter took so long to finish and publish

And this is only half of this chapter, I decided to split it into two parts so I could publish something, so just give me a couple more days to finish the second part

TRIGGER WARNINGS : some angst, talks about the frickle frackle with the cream cheese bagels

Virgil POV
I stared up at the dork building with terror in my heart.  I'm not excited to live in a dorm.  I'm not excited to start college.  And moving in is solidifying the fact that this is actually happening. 

"Isn't this amazing Virgil?"  Roman asked excitedly, bouncing up and down next to me. 

"No,"  I mumbled. 

"Come now Virgil,"  Roman said, wrapping his arm around my waist.  "It'll be so much fun!"

"Or terrifying,"  I added. 

"It won't be that bad,"  He promised.  "Now c'mon, lets go check out our dorm."

True to Roman's word, his parents were able to pull strings with the college board and the RA and now Roman and I get to stay in the same dorm room.  Which helps a lot with my horrible anxiety over going to college.

I sighed and followed Roman into the dorm and to the front desk.  He talked to someone at a desk with a bunch of keys.  She handed Roman two keys and then Roman turned back to me with a smile. 

He jingled the two meets in front of my face and then picked his bags back up.  I followed Roman up the stairs to the third floor.  Good exercise even thought I'm out of breath just after walking up two flights of stairs.

Roman unlocked the door and opened it.  He stepped into the room first, then returning to help me with all our bags. 

I stepped into the room, almost instantly feeling how cramped it is.  This makes me even more glad that I'm staying with Roman.  I couldn't handle staying in suck a small space with a complete stranger. 

The room had three windows on the back wall, two beds on either side.  Two desks with a mini fridge between them on the back wall.  There was a little three foot or so hallway from the door to the room with two closets facing towards the room. 

"I think we can make this work,"  Roman said, looking around the room with me. 

"Hopefully,"  I mumbled.  "But we're setting up ground rules."

"Probably a good idea,"  Roman agreed.  He walked over to one of the beds and looked suspiciously at a stain on the bottom.  "For starts, we're sharing the cleanest looking mattress."

"Sure,"  I said.  "I think the biggest one is that you're not going to through any parties in here."

"I wouldn't dream of it Virgie,"  Roman promised.

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