The gay prince with an ego bigger than disney world

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Roman POV
"But Damien and Virgil seem to have some history together!"  I ranted to Logan.  "They must obviously like each other." 

"Just because they know each other does not mean that they are dating in any sense,"  Logan tried to tell me, but I ignored him.

"But Virgil deserves better, someone like me!"  I yelled.  Logan let out a sign, momentarily looking up from his school work to look at me with an annoyed glare. 

"If you could please refrain from gushing about Virgil to me,"  Logan said.  "I'm trying to help you get your work done."

Why did I go to Logan for relationship advice?  He knows nothing of emotions.  Wait-

No I asked him to meet me at the library to help me with calculus.  But my mind focused more on Virgil than my math homework. 

"Logan it is true love,"  I tried to tell him.

"Maybe for you," Logan grumbled. "It might not be for Virgil."

"Oh be quiet calculator watch," I said, earning yet another sigh from Logan.

"Have you completely fried the limited brain cells that you possess by thinking about Virgil?" Logan asked me.

"Absolutely," I answered with a laugh.

"Aren't you supposed to be meeting Virgil and Damien for coffee soon?"

"I am," I mumbled, for once not excited to be around Virgil. I don't want Damien there with us.

"Why are you not excited?"  He questioned.

"I don't like Damien,"  I grumbled. 

"Would you like to say anything else that is obvious to everyone but yourself?"  Logan asked, seeming to be actually pissed off.

"Why are you so salty today?"  I whined.  Logan looked at me in confusion.

"I'm not covered in salt...or anything similar to that word you used," 

"It's...It's a meme you nerd,"  I said with a sigh.  "But serious what's got your tie in such a twist?"

"Please stop using whatever these odd slang words are that I do not understand,"  Logan told me.

"I don't think I've ever heard you admit to not understanding something,"  I laughed.  "I'm gonna need that in writing."

Logan sighed and mumbled 'going to' to himself. 

"But seriously, what is bothering you so much?"  I asked him, poking his cheek with my pencil. He shoved my hand away and gave me another glare.

"You asked me here to assist you with schoolwork, not for you to go meddling in my personal life and love life,"  Logan mumbled, only half aware of what he was saying.  When he realized it though, he flushed bright red.

"Ooooo~"  I teased, smirking at him.  "So the robot does have feelings."

"I don't appreciate that nickname, nor you knowing about my love life,"

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