Chapter twenty - Interview

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Tim and I got up early for his interview. While he as it he bathroom I got dressed in the bedroom, a black top, black leather jacket with some dark jeans and combat boots. My hair, I brushed through it and left it loose. I added on a pair of shades, just for the effect.

Minutes later we finished breakfast and Tom drove us to the pace he would be interviewed at. We walked in and saw a four Pitbull puppies. Immediately I began gushing over them.

Tom was led towards the purple paper background. Tom was seated in the middle and all four puppies were given to him. He was so adorable with them.

The interview began and I sat on the sidelines watching him. Minutes into the interview the puppies wouldn't stay put. They would wonder off of the set but I helped the crew and we guided the puppies back to Tom.

Once the interview was over, I just wanted to grab all the puppies and run off to Kingston but I couldn't since they weren't allowed in London, sad right?

"Those puppies weren't dangerous." Tom says as we begin to drive to the set of the Spider-Man movie.

"Yeah they weren't. But if you think about it, they are known to be aggression and dangerous as they get older. No wonder London doesn't allow them." I say.

"Did you see them. How could they be dangerous?" Tom questions.

I shrug my shoulders.

We got to the set and I watched as they acted. It was amazing seeing Tom change from being Thomas Stanley Holland to Peter Parker in seconds.

They day went on and the when Tom finished up we drove around the city. He then drove us home and told me to dress into something fancy. I decided to surprise him so I got ready in the guest bedroom.

I changed into a tight fitting white dress with and open back. I out on a long hanging jacket. I curled my hair and then out on some heels and walked out and saw Tom already waiting in a dressy white shirt and black pants.

Tom drove us to a fancy restaurant. At midnight we returned back to his home. I began packing up everything. Since my flight was early.

I showered them got into Tom's bed. And waited for him. My eyes slowly dropped closed. Them suddenly it opened when I felt a warm arm drape over my waist. I turned around to face Tom. He pulled my closer to him.

"I'm going to miss you." He says.

"I can't wait till you're back in Kingston. And LA, isn't that bad actually." I say with a smile and Tom kisses my lips.

"So when you get back you go back to work." Tom says.

"Unfortunately yes." I say sadly.

"Can't we just stay like this forever." Tom questions.

"I'd love that too." I say and close my eyes.

"Goodnight babe." Tom says.

"Goodnight Tommy." I say with my eyes still closed.

"Wait!" I yell and not up and grab my phone.

"Is everything okay?" Tom asks.

"I forgot to Face Time Colton. I hope he's not mad." I say and Face Time Lindsey, luckily she picks up. I turn the phone so that Tom can also be seen.

"Alana, h..." Lindsey says and then starts to cough on the water she had just swallowed.

I looked between Tom and myself and we both start laughing, why is this the thing that everyone thinks. Then I see Lindsey's entire family come up into view. Bradley's face is emotionless.

"It's not what it looks like. I swear." I say and smile.

"Aunty Al, uncle Tom!" Colton yells out.

"Hey Colton." Tom says and waves and Colton waves back, awe Colton remembered Tom.

"Hey buddy." I say with a smile.

"Dad, aunty Al and uncle Tom is laying in one bed just like you and mommy. Is they also married?" Colton asks his dad and I look to Tom and see him looking at me.

"No Colton they aren't married. Right Al?" Bradley asks with a questioning look but at the same time he looked very serious.

Tom and I just stare at the screen. I begin thinking about how it would be to be married to Tom. It would be hilarious, fun and exciting. But also heartbreaking when he has to leave to shoot for a film.

"Are you guys married?!" Bradley asks shocked. And both me and Tom are snapped out of dreamland.

"Wow. Why don't we slow down that train. We're not even close to that are we Tommy?" I ask Tom.

"I mean, I asked you to be my girlfriend twelve days ago. So I think we're still far from getting married." Tom says and kisses my cheek.

"Finally." Lindsey says out in the background.

"Let's keep it PG for my kids sake." Bradley says.

"Aunty Al, daddy says that you're in America with uncle Tom." Colton says.

"Yes I am but I'm coming back to Kingston tomorrow." I tell Colton.

"But if you come back to Kingston, won't you miss uncle Tom?" Colton asks.

"I'll miss him very much." I tell Colton.


Bradley had picked me up from the airport. It was so sad leaving Tom in America. But I had a job back here in Kingston. Night fell and i slept the entire day long. Jet leg was really catching up with me.

The next day I went to work and many woman stared at me. I made my way to my office and I immediately Sam and Carly ran into my office and screamed.

"You and Tom are together!" Carly yelled out.

"Please tell me you didn't have too much fun." Sam begs.

"Eww, Sam." I cringe.

"What? I'm just being the caring friend." Sam says.

"And thank you so much for caring." I say.

"Did you meet Zendaya?" Carly gushes.

"I met her." I state simply.

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