New Beginnings Part 2

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Sehun watched kyungsoo flip through wedding magazines and other things he didn't really care to notice at first as he bit down on his lip.

After a two weeks of that very peculiar proposal yet sweet and unique (in some ways more than others) he watched his friend completely rip and run to stores, malls, boutiques and anything that helped with weddings to start planning ahead but not without dragging him along with him.

He smiled as he watches his friend eyes bright up in excitement.

"Hey, we are not having the wedding until 3 months from now."

Kyungsoo shot him an annoyed look.

"The early you plan the better it will be." Sehun chuckled at his Hyung, while shrugging his shoulders, giving up the need to debate.

"Well Hyung, I am heading out. I'll be going to the book store to meet up with Tao."  Kyungsoo being that he was so immersed in what he was doing hummed and waved him off.

Sehun was rather glad he had him to help out with everything. He knew how much of a good friend he was to him. With that he left leaving his Hyung to plan.


Jongin was looking through tons of books. He was half dazed trying to figure out the books Tao actually wanted him to get on the list he had given him earlier on. He didn't understand the reason he had to go alone, (at least that is what he thought) sending him out to get them in the first place. Something about he had to check on his granny and make sure she was eating her proper meals.

Jongin sighed to himself because he was only half way done getting all but 8 books that was listed.

"What are you doing here?"

A familiar voice sounded causing him to drop the few books he had in his hands.

"why are you so jittery?"

He watched as Sehun bend down to retrieve the books that he had dropped, handing them back to him with a smile.

Jongin was wondering the same thing.

"I-I....was getting books for Tao... what brings you here?"

Sehun stuffed his hands in his jean pockets before replying.

"I was suppose to be meeting Tao here. What happen to him?"

Jongin rubbed the back of his head. For some reason he was nervous and shy all over again.

Sehun made him feel this way every time as if it was a brand new experience for him.

"He wanted to check on his grams...."

"I see."

The two stared at each other lovingly.

"You need help finding the rest?" Sehun pointed to the list he had in one hand as he held the books in the other.


Sehun leaned in closer to get a better look at it, causing Jongin to stare at a head full of blonde hair. He was trying to look at the list too while being rather close. So close Jongin can smell the fresh scent that lingered from his hair. He closed his eyes taking in the smell a little longer before sehun stepped aside.

"Come, I'll get them for you."

Jongin watched as sehun searched through the shelves. It was as if they were a married couple already. Maybe it was because of the silence in itself that was warming more than awkward giving them both solitude and a serene feeling (despite the low murmurs Sehun would occasionally say to himself as he read through the titles aloud.)

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