Chapter Three

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I drop my keys on the counter as I place the groceries down. I take note that Kellin's not in the living room so he must be upstairs. I hope he hasn't fallen asleep already. I really want to hear about this day. Funnily enough, the best part of my day is always hearing about his day. Even when we're together the entire day, I like to hear it all from his perspective.

I quickly put the groceries away and head upstairs. Thankfully our bedroom light is on, indicating that he's still awake.

I reach our room and stop at the doorway as I find my fiance, headphones on blasting music, completely out of it as he writes in a notebook.

What really stands out though is his clothes, or more so his lack there of. He's wearing nothing but his boxers and he looks so hot. But he's definitely breaking a rule. Both of us have to be clothed in bed at all times, for obvious reasons.

I get lost, staring at my attractive fiance, and thinking about those obvious reasons. I've been thinking about sex a lot lately, actually. And I know Kellin and I agreed that we were going to finally do it on our wedding night, but there's something that makes me hesitant about that. And not in the sense that I want to wait longer, I actually want to do it beforehand. And that is the fact of Kellin's virginity, or more so his lack there of.

Kellin and I made a vow when we were teenagers that we would stay abstinent until marriage so we wouldn't give ourselves to the wrong person. I liked the pact, but it was mostly for Kellin, to make him feel more at ease about his parents' failed relationship.

It was important to Kellin. And that's why I want to lose my virginity before our wedding day. Because Kellin doesn't get that chance. He didn't make it the whole way, which wasn't his fault. And I feel like it would be wrong of me to enter into this marriage, completing something which was essentially Kellin's vow, without him.

Kellin finally notices me and smiles as he removes his headphones.

"What are you doing?" I ask, just looking at him adoringly. He's so cute.

"Writing vows." he grins, then he snaps the notebook shut as he bites his lip.

I walk into the room and sit next to Kellin on the bed.

"You seem to be in a good mood." I comment.

"I found a suit!" he practically squeals, seeming like he was bursting to tell me.

"Oh baby, that's great." I grin, thrilled that he's found something he likes.

"Right? I'm so happy!" he beams.

I cup his cheek, feeling myself somehow fall more in love with him. He's so goddamn beautiful when he smiles.

I lean forward and kiss him. Kellin pulls away after the short kiss but I pull him back and kiss him again. I hold his face in my hands and kiss him a little more sensually. He kisses back, seeming hesitant but eager.

I run my tongue along his bottom lip and that's when he pulls away again.

"We have a 'no making out' rule, remember?" he murmurs, although his eyes are still closed and he doesn't seem too serious.

"We also have a 'wear clothes in bed' rule." I point out.

He grins and blushes, guiltily.

"I know, but it's hot in here tonight–"

I cut him off and kiss him again.

"You're hot tonight." I whisper, then pull his lips back to mine.

Scars (Sequel to Cuts) - Kellic // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now