Chapter Eight

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Kellin and I are having a nice dinner until his phone vibrates on the table. We both look down at it and see a message from Jenna.

J: how was the wedding night? ;-)

Kellin's quick to pick up his phone and turn it over, an uncomfortable look replacing the smile that had barely left his face since this morning.

I clear my throat awkwardly which makes Kellin glance up at me.

"What?" he mutters, a little snappily.

"Nothing." I frown.

"No, what?" he asks again seeming frustrated.

I reach across the table and take one of his hands. He seems to relax a little at my touch.

"It's okay that we didn't, you know, on the wedding night. We have a whole honeymoon to do that, heck, we have our whole lives together." I explain.

He frowns and looks away from me.

"I know. But that was the plan, and I don't like when things don't go according to plan." he sighs seeming genuinely stressed out.

"I know, baby. How about a new plan? We just take things at our own pace. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't." I suggest.

He takes a deep breath and nods, his smile returning to his face.

"I do want it to happen though." he murmurs.

"I know," I grin. "I do too."

He blushes at my words and looks down at his almost-finished food. I bring his hand to my lips and he giggles, his cheeks somehow flushing even redder.

"You're so beautiful." I whisper.

He pulls his hand from mine so he can cover his face.

"Oh my god, stop. I feel so fucking red." he whines softly.

I just chuckle at his cuteness.

I hope in fifty years time when we've grown old together that I can still make him blush. I hope he never stops loving me, because I surely will never stop loving him.

After a free crème brûlée, courtesy of the restaurant, Kellin and I finally head back to the hotel room for the night.

Kellin informs me that he's going to have a shower so I flop down on the bed and simply wait for him to get out.

He takes longer than I initially expected though so I end up undressing down to my underwear and getting under the covers, ready for bed. I feel as though there might be a decent chance of me actually being able to sleep tonight which has been a rare occurrence over this past year.

After the shower finally shuts off, Kellin's in the bathroom for another ten minutes before he finally joins me.

He climbs into the bed next to me and gives me a loving smile before pecking my lips and rolling onto his back.

I close my eyes ready to sleep, but there's a tension in the air that I just can't place.

I decide to abandon sleep and turn to my husband.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah." he smiles.

"You took a while in the shower." I point out.

"I was just trying to wind down and relax." he tells me.

"So you're feeling better?" I ask him.

Scars (Sequel to Cuts) - Kellic // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now