Chapter Thirty-One

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My hands clutch the railing as tight as they can but the rain is causing me to lose grip. The blood dripping down my slashed wrists is adding to the slipperiness of the metal. I don't know if I can hold on any longer, and I'm trying. I'm trying so hard despite Kellin's taunts.

"Just fucking jump! What are you waiting for? You don't belong here!" he shouts over the screaming in my head.

I choke out another sob and look down at the water that's violently crashing into the sharp rocks beneath me. I can hear them calling me, telling me to let go.

Suddenly, a hand smacks my back and the impact nearly propels me off the bridge. But I hold on. I glance behind me and see my tio smiling at me. He leans over the railing and looks down at the river below me.

"You didn't do anything, Vic." He says calmly. He was always such a soft-spoken man.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You didn't stop me. You didn't do anything. I would still be alive if you just did something." he tells me. "Why didn't you see I was struggling?"

My stomach twists as a whirlpool opens up in the water below. 

"Jump, Vic! I deserve better than you!" Kellin screams again.

I look back to my tio but he's not my tio anymore. It's Carter, and he has a bullet hole on the side of his head which is pouring out blood all down his face, neck and shoulder.

"Hey," he smiles at me. "Thanks for introducing me to Kellin."

He places his hand over mine and I jerk it away, which causes me to lose my balance. My other hand finally loses grip and I brace myself for the fall but I suddenly have two arms wrapped around my middle, holding me up.

"I've got you." Kellin says in a soft and loving voice. He's no longer yelling at me, and he feels like the only warm thing in this freezing cold weather.

The gashes across my wrists heal before my eyes and it stops raining. Carter's gone, my uncle's gone, and it's just me and Kellin.

"Come home with me." he says softly.

I carefully turn myself around, readying myself to climb safely back over these railings that seem taller than they should. I see the lock that Kellin and I left here that reads:
'Kellin +
Vic Fuentes
and ever
Always ♡'

I grab onto it and try to use it to pull myself up but it unlatches and breaks and I find myself falling backwards. Kellin reaches for me and I try to grab his hand but just miss it, leaving me to plummet into the icy water below.

I gasp desperately for air as I shoot upward.

"Hey, what is it? What's wrong?" Kellin asks frantically, putting his hand on my chest.

I place my hand over his, which pulls me back into reality. I squeeze his hand, just to double check he's real. When he squeezes back, I realize it was all just a horrible dream. I sigh relieved and lie back down on my pillows, trying to catch my breath.

"What happened?" Kellin asks worried, looking down at me.

"You ever have a dream you're falling?" I sigh, placing my hand on his face. The morning sun lights up his beautiful features, despite his obvious exhaustion.

His eyes fill with sadness and he takes my hand from his cheek. He kisses my knuckles then lays back down next to me, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my jaw.

Scars (Sequel to Cuts) - Kellic // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now