Chapter Six

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I wait by the door of our cab as I watch Kellin say goodbye to Jenna. She's telling him to have an safe flight and to take lots of pictures, which kind of makes me feel a little guilty. I can tell it's making Kellin uncomfortable too. She has no idea that we're no longer going to Paris but we'll explain everything when we get back.

I'm really excited to just spend a week alone with my husband. Fuck, husband. I don't think I'll get used to that anytime soon.

"Okay, I'm serious, I have to go. You go have a fun night. I will see you in a week." Kellin tells Jenna.

"Okay, I love you." She beams, kissing his cheek one more time.

"I love you too." He murmurs then finally steps away from her. 

He comes over to me so I open the door for him, like a gentleman, and he slides in the cab. I get in next to him and close the door. The cab pulls off and Kellin and I wave goodbye to our friends and family before they disappear from sight. 

"That was crazy." Kellin breathes, slumping down in his seat.

"What was crazy?" I ask confused.

"This whole day." he chuckles admittedly. "God, I can't wait to get out of this suit."

His words make me blush. That is the plan, isn't it? To get him out of his suit? It is our wedding night after all.

The thought of what awaits us behind those hotel room doors has me, honestly, a little overwhelmed. I've been so preoccupied with the wedding and the reception today that I haven't even had the chance to think about what could be happening in only a few minutes. Now I feel like I've been ambushed with it.

Did I pack the condoms? Do I know what I'm doing? Does Kellin know what he's doing? Does Kellin still want to? Is he thinking about this? Is he feeling as overwhelmed as I do?

"Babe, are you okay?" Kellin frowns, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You look a little pale."

I don't want to worry him so I throw on a smile.

"I'm fine. I'm just a little tired." I tell him.

"Me too." he says through a timely yawn. He then shifts closer to me and wraps an arm around my bicep, resting the other on my thigh. "But," he kisses my neck softly. "Guess what we're going to be doing soon?"

The huskiness of his voice and the feeling of his delicate lips on my sensitive skin is enough to suppress my nerves and get me a little excited.

"Hmm, what?" I murmur, playing along.

"You'll see." he beams, sliding his hand up my shirt.

The feeling of his cold hand on my warm skin and the playful look of lust in his eyes, brings back my nerves. Fuck, this is actually happening.

He moves away from me after that, leaving me flustered, stressed and a little turned on. 

We arrive at the hotel sooner than I expected. Kellin pays the driver while I get our bags out of the trunk then we go into the hotel lobby. Kellin looks around in wonder at the beautiful building while I check us in. The wonder in his eyes makes me swoon. I did good, both in regards to choice of hotel and choice of husband.

Kellin insists on taking his luggage as we take the elevator up to our room. We find our room and I unlock the door as Kellin waits eagerly. I push the door open and he rushes into the room, his jaw dropping in awe. I follow behind and am pleasantly surprised that the room looks exactly like the pictures on the website, with the exception of the rose petals and gift basket on the bed, and the lights which have seemingly been dimmed to set the mood.

"Vic, this is so beautiful." Kellin calls, walking through a door into what I assume is the bathroom. "Oh my gosh, there's a Jacuzzi in here, babe. We are totally using that."

He walks out of the room and hurries back over to me as he throws his arms around my neck.

"You are amazing." he breathes.

"Only the best for you, my love." I murmur, pushing some hair behind his ear.

He leans forward and kisses me. The kiss is anything but sweet and confirms that he is very much in the mood. I kiss back, my excitement returning as his fingers find their way to the top button of my shirt. He begins undoing it as he pulls out of the kiss to concentrate. His breathing is as heavy as mine is, which makes me feel a little more at ease. He glances to the bed but immediately freezes.

I'm confused as to what made him stop, but then I see the bottle of champagne in the gift basket. I take his chin between my fingers and turn his face towards me. He definitely looks stressed.

"Hey, you can trust yourself." I remind him, but he still seems unsure.

"Today has been," he looks down and pauses. "stressful. I don't, I don't know if-"

I cut him off with a gentle kiss on the lips.

"It's okay." I nod in understanding. "I'll go take it down to reception." 

He seems a little guilty, but grateful.

"While you do that, I'll clear the bed." he chirps.

"Good idea," I smile, pecking his lips.

I take the bottle of champagne and leave the room. The elevator feels like it take forever to come and the even longer to make it down to reception. Maybe I'm just eager to get back to my husband. I briefly imagine him nakedly waiting on the bed for me which gets me a little excited. I really hope he is undressed when I return.

I go up to the front desk and let them know the issue. The lady as the desk apologises profusely as she takes the champagne but I assure her it was a simple mistake.

"Would you like someone to empty the minibar of alcohol?" she asks kindly.

"That would be great. But, uh, in the morning would be best." I tell her, not wanting anyone to interrupt Kellin and I tonight.

"Of course." she says with knowing smile.

We wrap up the conversation then I make my way back to our room, it once again taking way too long. Finally, I reach our room and enter, half expecting to find Kellin nude, but instead I find him fully clothed, fast asleep on top of the covers.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed, but my simple adoration for him trumps that. He looks so peaceful, so beautiful, just snoring softly on the beautiful bed, amongst the remaining rose petals that he didn't get around to brushing onto the floor. Today was exhausting, I honestly don't blame him. 

I suddenly notice Purple Rain by Prince playing softly through the room. I guess it initially was supposed to set the mood, but instead it worked as a lullaby. 

I go over to my sleeping husband and take his ankle, lifting his foot onto my lap. I begin undoing the laces on his shoes until he stirs.

"I'm awake." he murmurs, his eyes not opening.

"No, you're not, baby. Go back to sleep." I chuckle, removing one of his shoes.

"But we were gonna, you know," he whines softly.

"Another time. Rest." I tell him. He just nods softly and promptly falls back asleep.

I take off his remaining shoe and place them on the floor beside the bed. I consider undressing him, surely he'll wake up feeling uncomfortable in that suit, but I don't want to do that without his permission so I disregard the idea. 

I then go over to his phone where the music is softly playing from. I unlock it to turn the music off and can't help but to chuckle when I see the name of the playlist. SEX??!? songs. He's so cute.

I switch the music off just as Marvin Gaye's Sexual Healing  begins playing. I then get undressed, not even bothering to hang my suit up before I finally switch the light off. I pull the duvet out from under Kellin and slide into bed, pulling it over the both of us in the process. I already feel unbelievably comfortable but Kellin makes it even better by shifting into my arms.

I hold my husband as he sleeps away his sorrows, but as usual, I lie awake pondering mine.

Scars (Sequel to Cuts) - Kellic // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now