Chapter Two

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"Nope." I sigh.

"No?" Jenna calls from outside the dressing room.

"No." I reply, frowning at my reflecting in the mirror.

"What's wrong with it?" she asks.

"I don't know. It just feels wrong." I sigh.

This is the fifth suit I've tried on just today. I can hear Jenna getting tired of me.

"We'll find another one. Don't stress." Jenna assures me.

I shake my head at myself in the mirror and watch tears flood my eyes.

"You know what? I'm being bratty. I'll just take this one." I sigh.

The curtain rips open and Jenna engulfs me in a hug.

"Absolutely not." she says sternly. "If it's not right, you're not getting it. This is your wedding day and you deserve to feel like a star. Trust me, I tried on a billion dresses before I found the one. And if that's what you have to do, then that's what we're doing." she tells me. "Obviously something's not working. We need a new direction, think out of the box  a little."

I nod and take a breath as my tears recede.

"Vic told me I should try on a white dress." I chuckle.

"Do you want to?" she laughs.

I shake my head, knowing goddamn well that I'm not walking down that aisle in a dress.

"Wait. That's it!" Jenna grins.

"What's it?" I frown confused, pulling out of her arms.

"Wait here." she grins then leaves the dressing room.

I start undressing, waiting for her to return. I pull the dress shirt off and my eyes immediately fall on the pink scars that cover my wrists.

Since Carter's departure and being with Vic, I haven't cut once. But I sure as hell have thought about it.

I just get so overwhelmed sometimes and in the moment, I feel like I need a release. But I also made a promise to Vic that I wouldn't dare break.

Sometimes, I wonder if he's right. Maybe I should see a doctor.

Jenna suddenly returns, a grin on her face as she holds up a suit, a white suit.

"White?" I smile interested.

"Something a little less traditional. I think it might be more fitting." she chirps.

I take it from her, feeling a little uncertain, but maybe stepping out of the box is the way to go.

I pull the curtain shut and dress into the suit. When I finish adjusting my collar, I look up at the mirror and feel my heart near stop.

"Jenna," I call.

She immediately rips the curtain and I turn to her grinning. Her mouth drops open and she looks at me in awe.

"This is it. This is the one." I tell her, just feeling extremely relieved.

"You sure? This is what you want?" she asks hopefully.

I nod eagerly and turn back to the mirror. I love it. And Vic is going to love it too.

"Oh my god, Jen, I'm getting married." I say, having the sudden realisation.

"Yes you are." she grins, throwing her arms around me.

"I wish we had done this years ago. I wish I had listened to you and told him I loved him." I whisper, regretfully.

"I don't want to say I told you so but..." she says cheekily.

I roll my eyes playfully and pull from her arms.

"Honestly Hun, if you were meant to be together all those years ago, it would have happened. It didn't. You had to wait. But love is patient, Kells." Jenna smiles, sweetly.

I nod, agreeing with her.

"Now," she chirps. "get changed and let's go buy this suit before I start crying."

I giggle and push her playfully out of the change room before I pull the curtain shut and get dressed back into my clothes.

Jenna and I take my suit up to the counter.

"When do you want to do a fitting?" the lady asks as she places it in a garment bag.

"As soon as possible," I tell her.

She looks at her computer, typing a few things, then she turns back to me.

"Our next available appointment is next Thursday." she smiles.

That immediately worries me.

"Next Thursday? How long will it take to tailor the suit?" I ask anxiously.

"Approximately ten days." she says.

"That's not enough time." I blurt out, realising the wedding is only in two weeks.

"It's okay, Kells." Jenna says hesitantly.

I turn to her panicked.

"It's not okay. I took too long. This wedding is going to be a disaster. It's supposed to be Vic's dream wedding. He's going to hate me." I spew out, beginning to hyperventilate as tears fill my eyes.

"Kells, hey," Jenna says sternly. "My wife is the granddaughter of a seamstress. We're going to get this suit altered for you. I promise."

"You are?" I sniff.

"Yes, babe. Whatever it takes." Jenna smiles, gently rubbing my shoulder as I calm down.

She turns to the woman behind the counter who seems to be unsure of what to do.

"Forget the fitting." Jenna says. "We'll just take the suit."

We get the suit paid for and soon we're leaving the store with it. There's still a sick feeling of worry in my stomach that my dream suit isn't going to be fitted in time.

Jenna takes my hand and gently rubs the top of it with her thumb.

"You are stupid to think that Vic could ever hate you." She says softly.

I smile a little at that.

"I just don't want to disappoint him. He's been dreaming of his wedding day forever." I sigh.

"I can assure you, he doesn't care about what you're wearing or what kind of cake you get, where the wedding is or what day it's on. All he cares about is that you're there and you're the one he's marrying." she explains. "As long as he's with you, it's his dream wedding."

"You really think that?" I whisper

"He said it himself, Kells, when he asked you to be his best man. He said he's been wanting you to be by his side when he gets married since he was fifteen." she reminds me.

I can only vaguely remember that conversation as I was drinking at the time.

My heart swells with relief and love for my soon-to-be husband.

It's still hard to believe that all these years, he's been thinking about marrying me, about losing his virginity to me, spending his life with me.

God, I feel like such a lucky guy. Which is why I feel the need to give him the perfect wedding. He deserves it. He deserves the world. I guess he'll have to settle for my love and devotion. But something tells me, he doesn't mind one bit.

Scars (Sequel to Cuts) - Kellic // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now