9 - A Dance With The Devil

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Morning light filtered onto my skin and I blinked awake. Squinting, sunshine dotted through the window. We'd forgotten to draw the curtains. My naked body was draped across Jacob's, one of his arms protectively wrapped around my back to keep me close. His other hand had a strong grip on my thigh, fingers pressing against me. Nestling close to him, I rested my head on his broad chest; feeling it rise and fall peacefully. His ginger beard tickled the top of my head every time he inhaled and I smirked.

'Such a big softie.' I murmured under my breath.

'No I'm not.' He retorted, eyes still closed.

'How long have you been awake?' Taken aback, I motioned to sit up but he tightened his grasp on me to make me stay put.

'Long enough.' His reply was short. Falling silent for a moment, I reached up to the top of his head and started to twirl his orange locks through my fingers. 'What are ya doin'?' He quizzed me, face still stony as though he was sleeping.

'Nothing.' I mused, wrapping a strand around my index finger.

'Sure don't feel like nothin'.' At his disapproving grunt I let the hair roll off and drifted my hand back to his chest. I grazed over the cool metal of his dog-tag and felt him momentarily stiffen as I touched it. I moved my hand away from it quickly and he relaxed once more.

'What were you even doing here last night?'

'None of your business.' Huffing, I felt his finger tips glide softly against my leg. There was a pause. 'I was thinkin' about some things. Needed to get away and clear my head.'

'What kinda things?' It was brave of me to ask more questions as I could tell it was making him antsy.

'Do you ever stop askin' stupid questions?'

'Yes.' I pouted even though he couldn't see. Another pause. 'So what happens now?'

'Jesus fucking Christ.' Jacob sat up and rubbed his eyes, fed up of my voice. 'Give me a break pup.' The dark circles beneath his heavy blues had faded a little and it seemed like last night was the best sleep he'd had in a while. Jacob stood up and began to pick up his clothes from the floor. Suddenly feeling very vulnerable, I tugged the duvet around me to hide my nude body.

'Are we gonna talk about this?' My brow furrowed as he buckled his jeans and tightened the holster around his leg.

'Nothing to talk about.' He responded coldly, turning his back to me and tugging his grey shirt over his head. Plucking the chain around his neck, he pulled it out from underneath so that his trinkets were on full display.

'Well I just thought-'

'You thought wrong.' It felt like he'd just gutted me alive. My heart didn't sink, it plummeted. I felt so used. Unsure of what to do, I blinked away the tears that had tried to escape my eyes. 'Don't be so fucking sensitive.' Jacob said bitterly, tugging his socks back onto his feet and then sitting on a stool by the door to slide on his beige boots.

'I hate you.' I wanted to hurt him but I didn't know how. He was like a titanium wall, nothing could dent him. Lacing up his shoes, he chuckled to himself at my statement.

'Feeling's mutual pup.' Standing, he grabbed his jacket from the ground and pulled it over his arms before leaving out the door without another word.

'Prick.' Clutching myself tight, I let out a wobbly breath. It wasn't fair. How did he manage to make me feel so weak in a matter of seconds?


'Then I full on just shot this bear in the face and- Dep are you even listening to me?' Hurk tapped me on the shoulder and I looked at him absentmindedly.

'Huh? Yeah, of course. The bear right?'

'Yeah man! It was crazy! I thought I was gonna die!' Hurk drabbled on and I tuned out again as we walked through the woods. I picked apart a leaf that had found its way into my hands. Jacob had gone dark again. It'd been a few days since our meeting and I just couldn't get him off my mind.

'Y'know Deputy, if it were up to me you'd have been dead a long time ago.' My radio blipped as Jacob cut through into the line and I paused. Throwing an arm out to make Hurk stop moving, he nearly bowled straight into it.

'Woah!' He wobbled, regaining his balance.

'But Joseph has other ideas and he wants to talk to you. So that's what you're gonna do. Don't worry, my hunters will bring you to him.' So matter-a-fact as always.

'Ah shit, he's comin' for you again kid! Better be careful, those hunters could be anywhere.' Dutch instructed me. I switched my radio off as he finished, turning to face Hurk.

'You gotta go man.' I shoved him gently in the opposite direction.

'What? No way amigo! I gotta come with you just incase it gets bad like last time!'

'Absolutely not. I know what I'm doing Hurk. Please just run.' Bless his simple mind. He wouldn't last five seconds in that place.


'That's an order Hurk.' I gave him a stern look and he unwillingly obeyed, fleeing in the opposite direction. Taking a long deep breath, I felt my eyes darken as I started to jog lightly through the woods. 'You wanna see strength? I'll give you fucking strength.' Growling under my breath, I clenched my fists in frustration. This time I'd show him. This time I'd come out on top.

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