The Love Letter

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I ripped the hot sauce packet open with my teeth then squirted it on top of my burrito. I licked the rest off of the packet then placed it on the desk as I picked up the burrito and took a bite.

I felt the other end open and all the good stuff fell out. I scooped it up then ate it. I turned my attention back to the burrito.

I was softly singing along to the song that was softly playing on the stereo in the corner of the classroom.

I turned my attention to my art project that was laying on my desk. I picked up my paint brush and the foam ball then started slightly brushing around, small strokes in every place that needs to be touched up.

"Mrs. Shuler, how is this?" I held up the ball for her to look at.

She looks up from her desk then glances over at the ball. "It's beautiful." She smiles.

I smile back then look at the master piece I have created. It was coming along pretty well, and I was so stoked about it finally being finished.

I'm not a big fan of art, but I grown to like it over the years I've had it.

Plus, Mrs. Shuler is the best art teacher, ever.

I'm a senior, and I think the first time I had art class was in my sophomore year. I was a little confused on why we needed to take art, but now I'm not complaining since we hardly ever do anything.

Plus, it's fun as hell.

"Lunch is almost over, Kenna." Mrs. Shuler calls from her desk.

I nod as I did one last thing to my foam ball, then got up to place it on the table with everyone else's. I made sure to place it down where it won't start rolling away.

I walk back to the desk and grab the rest of my burrito. I wrap it up then heard Mrs. Shuler's voice.

"You can finish that."

I look over at her as she was watching me. "I know, but I'll save it."

She gave me a confused look but didn't say anything else. I walk up to her desk as she was focused back on her book that was in front of her.

"So, what's our next project?"

She looks up at me. "We haven't even finished this one." She motioned towards the table of unfinished projects.

I shrug as I look back at her. "I like being ahead."

"I'm not even sure what's next, Kenna. I'll make sure to let you know though." She smiles.

I smile. "Sounds awesome." I held onto my wrapped burrito. "I'll catch you on the flip side, Mrs. S." I walked to the classroom door then looked back to see Mrs. Shuler shaking her head.

I placed my burrito in my backpack and made sure it was nice and cozy. I patted it to make sure that it wouldn't get smushed or what-not.

I heard the bell ring as I was grabbing my English book out of my locker. My heart was starting to beat and my palms were sweaty.

I held onto my book as I walked into the classroom and instantly saw her sitting at her desk. Her legs propped up on top of it and a book in her lap.

I tried keeping all my nerves down in the pit of my stomach but sometimes it was hard to do when it came to her.

I gently placed my backpack under my desk and made sure it was safe. I opened my book and flipped to a random page until I heard a voice that inevitably, made my eyes lock onto hers.

"Test tomorrow." Her eyes scanned the room.

A few student groaned. I didn't take my eyes off of hers. It was like a magnetic pull and I was slowly catching myself being pulled towards her.

Love, Miss Kelly [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now