Breaking your Own Heart

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Staring at my ceiling was something that had me feeling calm and relaxed. Not focusing on anything else but the patterns and how the hell someone managed to do that.

I heard my phone next to my table. I sigh as I reached over and grabbed it to see Georgia texted me.

I miss you. Why'd you have to leave so soon :(

I slightly smiled then texted her back before laying back on the bed.

I told Georgia I had to go home. Of course I lied, but I just needed time to think about her ex. It didn't make sense, I know but I couldn't help it.

Thank God Tyler wasn't home at the moment or he would have seen Georgia.

I sigh as I lay there, overthinking this situation when I really shouldn't be. I knew it was stupid and pointless but my mind just can't get over it.

When Georgia saw her, I saw a totally different person. She acted like she was still in love with her and I could see it in her eyes.

Then Stella gave me a look when they hugged, told me that she wasn't over Georgia.

That worries me.

Those types of people, who haven't moved on from past relationships, are the crazy ones that'll do whatever it takes to get back with their past lover.

I'm just a teenager. Georgia is twenty eight and Stella is probably the same age. They have so much more in common than what we have.

She can easily be with Stella and leave me.

That is what scares me.


Georgia Kelly's POV

I cooked some mac 'n cheese on the stove. After it was done, I licked the spoon then grabbed a bowl and poured me some.

I sat at the counter and ate, while texting Kenna. I smiled then took a bite of food before hearing someone knock on my door.

I wipe my mouth before going to the door and opening it. I saw Stella standing there, smiling. "Hey."

"Stella? What are you doing here?"

She shrugs. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by. Can I come in?"

"Uh, sure." I opened the door and let her inside. After I shut the door, I turned to her. "What's up?"

She smiles. "I just wanted to see you. I haven't seen you in years."

"Yeah." I smile. "You want something to drink?"

We walk into the kitchen and I went over to the fridge to grab some tea out. I poured her a glass then gave it to her.

She smiles then took a sip. "I remember this place." She looks around, smiling. "Hasn't changed since I was here."

I nod, looking around. "Nothing to really change."

"You look good." She smiles at me. "You still working at the school?"

I nod. "Yep. Loving every minute of it."

She smiles. "That's great."

I watch her for a moment. "So, I thought you moved?"

"I did." She nods. "But I decided to move back. No potential where I was at."

I nod, understanding. "I'm sorry to hear that."

She shrugs. "Shit happens." She stares at her glass for a moment. "So, how long have you been dating that girl?"

"Kenna?" I ask. She nods. "We've been seeing each other for... a while."

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