A Little Taste of Trouble

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Brent and Shane Kinsman

Fred and Watson Fields (To my Mrs

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Fred and Watson Fields
(To my Mrs. Shuler fans, I apologize)

When school ended, I was more than happy to go home and lay in bed. My brain was hurting from all the learning and my head was spinning from all the teachers.

They need to make school four hours and only three days a week.

That would be bomb.

"Bye, Kenna!" Charles hugged me from behind, scaring the shit out of me.

I push him off. "I almost had a heart attack!" I saw a few students staring at me and I punched Charles in the arm. "Bye, ass." I heard him yelling but ignored him.

I walked over to the bike rack and took it out. I got on and made sure my backpack wasn't about to fall cause I had a few books in it.

I peddled out of the parking lot and onto the sidewalk. My backpack was super heavy and I had to keep stopping every few seconds. It kept slipping and driving my crazy.

I looked around at the cars that were passing by then saw Oliver on the other side of the road. He was on the sidewalk with some other people, two boys.

I stopped for a moment to watch them and noticed that one of them grabbed Oliver by the shirt.

I quickly got off my bike and sat my backpack down then ran across the street. "Hey!"

They all looked over at me as I walked up to them. Oliver gave me a look before being pushed backwards.

One of the boys walked up to me and I looked at him then the other one and noticed that they were twins. They go to school with me and I see them around but never really talk to them.

"Who the hell are you?" He pushed me back.

I gave him a look then pushed him back as well. "Don't touch me, asshole. What the hell do you think you're doing with Oliver?"

He looks over at him then back at me. "I don't think that's any of your business, chick." He looks me up and down. "Plus, I can touch whoever I want." He grabs my wrist but gets pushed away by Oliver.

"Run." He said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away.

I tried keeping up with him but he was much faster than I was. We ended up crossing over backyards and jumping over fences before hiding between two houses.

He held his finger to his lips as he looks at me. I stood there as I could hear my heart beating in my ears. After a minute, I saw a car drive by then left.

Oliver leans against the house and sighs. "Shit."

"Wasn't that the twins from school?" I ask.

He nods then looks at me. "Yes."

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