Georgia Kelly

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Georgia Kelly's POV

Another day, I thought to myself.

My morning classes were pretty boring. I did my lectures then gave the students time to do whatever homework they had, including the work for my class.

I never scolded my students for not doing homework. I would help them understand it better, if they were having trouble with it. Some students tend to not do the work if they don't understand the material.

I want to be that teacher that helps students grow, not one that gets angry with them.

I've been teaching here for over six years now. I started when I was twenty two. I'm twenty eight now. I think I'm the youngest teacher here, but I don't let that intimidate me.

I know what I'm doing. Although some of the older teachers would look at me as if I don't know what I'm doing and that I'm too young.

I brush it off.

I think of myself still a teenager. I still act like a teenager from time to time, although I have to put on my adult pants most of the time.

I try connecting with every student in a different way, to better understand their goals in life and help them grow.

Lunch time rolled around and I had packed myself a lunch. I usually sit in my classroom alone, away from everyone else. I don't like sitting in the cafeteria with the other teachers.

I had ordered a pizza last night and saved the rest for leftovers. I brought two slices today for my lunch, plus some Gatorade. I didn't bother heating the pizza up because in my opinion, cold pizza is the best.

I was reading a book, that was sitting on my desk. My legs were crossed in my chair, and I was stuffing my face with pizza. I was swiveling in my chair, taking sips of my drink every once in a while as I was reading, enjoying myself.

After I finished my lunch, I leaned back in my chair and continued reading my book. I got comfortable, propping my legs up on my desk.

I glanced at the clock and noticed that there were a few more minutes left of lunch. I got engaged into the book that I didn't realize the bell had rung. I started seeing students walk in as I went back to my book.

They all were softly talking as more were entering the room. I glanced around at everyone until I saw Kenna walk in. She walked to her desk then placed her backpack under her desk, moving it around until she leaned back up.

I closed my book then stood up. "Test tomorrow." I look around the room at everyone. I had to make sure that they knew that there was a test coming up and they needed to study.

I want them all to do their best.

A few students groaned as I walked to the board and started writing down some information on what the test would be based on. I needed to make sure they study and I'm hoping they all take notes.

After I wrote down some important things, based on the test, I turned around and looked around the room. "The assignment you had last week is due today. So, I will be coming around collecting them."

I started walking around, starting at the first row of desks then making my way down and coming back up. I smiled as I grabbed each paper from each student.

At least they did it.

I looked around until I saw Kenna talking to a girl sitting next to her. I was getting close to her desk when she looks up and I smile at her. She smiles back. She holds out a piece of paper that was laying on her desk.

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