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Georgia Kelly's POV

After Kenna left, I just wanted her back here as quickly as possible. The way she left me feeling had my emotions all in a bind.

I didn't mean to tell her that it was too fast, because it wasn't. I just knew that if it didn't get stopped then it would lead somewhere that I'm not ready for, yet.

She can leave me in such a mood though.

I sat on the couch, thinking about her as my eyes would scan the tv but nothing interested me enough to watch it.

I sighed as I picked up my phone and sent her a text, telling her that I miss her and I hope she has a great night.

I sat my phone on the table and leaned back, watching the tv. I waited for a text but didn't receive one. I didn't think nothing of it as I kept watching tv.

With Kenna on my mind.


"Don't move!"

Watson was basically sitting on me, which was gross. I couldn't do anything as I was laying in the backseat. My whole body was stuck since he was a lot bigger than me.

I stared at the top of the car as we were going, God knows where. I watch Watson as he was looking straight ahead and wondered if I could escape.

And if I could, how would I do so?

He looks down at me. "Are you going to cooperate this time?"

I stare at him for a moment. "It depends."

I saw his nostrils flare before the car coming to a halt, making Watson lean forward until he leans back then gets out of the car.

He opens the other door, where my head was at then grabs my arms and pulls me out. I land on the ground pretty hard and I look around as I wasn't sure where I was at.

It looked like an old abandoned parking lot with an old building. I wasn't sure why they brought me here, but I didn't want to stay to find out.

"Ok! I'll tell you where he is!" I yelled.

They let me go and picked me up before grabbing my shirt. "Good." Watson smiled. "No fucking around."

I didn't know what to do at the moment. I could tell them his address, that way Mrs. Shuler could find out and call the cops.

That seemed like the best option to take.

Before I could do anything, a car came pulling up them slamming on brakes. The driver door opened and gunshots were fired.

Everyone started running away, except for me. I stood there, not knowing what to do until I noticed that car and instantly felt my heart beat back to normal.

"Charles!" I ran up to hug him.

When we pulled back, he looked me over. "What the hell are you doing?" He looks around for a moment. "Who were those people?"

"It's a long fucking story. Come on!"


"Do you have a description on what they look like?" The officer was writing stuff down as we were sitting in chairs across from him.

I sigh. "They go to my school. Fred and Watson Fields are their names."

He stops for a moment then looks up at us. "Fields?" I nod as I watch him. He started writing more things down then smiles at us. "Well, we will get in touch with your school tomorrow. Thank you."

Love, Miss Kelly [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now