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I was struggling with these books in my arms. They wouldn't fit in my backpack, so I was forced to carry most of them. The other ones are in my backpack but I couldn't zip it all the way.

I was walking out of the building when I stumbled and the books went crashing down on the ground. I groan as I bent over to pick them up. I'm not even sure how the hell I was going to carry these home.

"Need help?"

I look up to see Miss Kelly smiling at me. Before I could answer, she was bending down helping me pick up the books.

I smiled at her as I grabbed the last book then stood up the same time she did. She handed me the books. I held them in my arms and smiled. "Thanks."

"I don't understand why some teachers give so much work."

I chuckle as I look at her. "You're a teacher though."

She shrugs. "But I'm not terrible like that. I understand that you have other classes, so I'm not going to give you a shit load of work." She looks around then back at me. "Oops."

I smile as I tried not to let the books slip from my arms. "It's crazy."

"Yeah," She nods. "so do you own a car?" She looks around then back at me.

I shook my head. "No."

She looked at me for a moment. "How are you suppose to get home? You aren't walking, are you?"

I nod over towards the bike rack. "I ride a bike."

She looks over then back at me. "You can't ride a bike then try to juggle those books, Kenna." She look at me for a moment.

"Why don't I take you home?"

I stare at her in confusion. "Um," I thought for a moment until I look over at my bike. "I wouldn't have a way to school in the morning."

"I could come get you-"

I thought for a moment. "My brother can bring me."

She nods, with a slight frown but quickly covers it up. "Ok, that's fine. Um, I'll help you with this." She grabs the books from my hands and we walk to the parking lot.

When we reach her car, she unlocks it then we both get in. She reaches over the backseat and places my books in the seat. I watch as she reaches back over, glances at me then starts the car.

We pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. I tell her why I live, although I didn't want her seeing where I lived because it wasn't the best looking house around here, but there was nothing I could do.

"So, you live pretty close to school?"

I nod as I look over at her. "Yeah. It's not that bad to ride my bike everyday."

"Great exercise." She smiles. I nod as I look out the window.

I saw her reflection in the window and saw her staring at me for a moment, looking back at the road, then staring again.

When we pulled up in my driveway, I opened the door then grabbed my backpack. I got out then grabbed my books that Miss Kelly gave me.

"Thank you, Miss Kelly."

She smiles. "Call me Georgia outside of school."

I smile, nodding. "Have a great night."

"You too, Kenna." She smiles.

I nod then walk up to the porch, pushed the books up on my arms better, then walked up the steps. I look over to see Miss Kelly pulling out of the driveway.

Love, Miss Kelly [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now