Oliver Tells

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"The twins.. Watson and Fred Fields." Charles was pacing around my room, thinking. "What do we know about them?"

I shrug as I was sitting on my bed. "They're dangerous." I watched him write something on the white board. "They're stupid." Another thing.

"Mysterious." He wrote. "We don't know the full story on why they're after Oliver."

I shook my head. "No, cause he won't tell us."

"If we go to his moms-"

I shook my head. "We could, but Oliver would hate me for life."

"So? It's better to go to them then to have him continue lying and being bullied for whatever reason."

I sigh as I rub my temples. "We're just teenagers. Do we really have to be investigators? Aren't we suppose to worry about partying or love?"

He crosses his arms and stares at the whiteboard for a moment. "We could always end this straight forward and go to his moms. Let them call the police-"

"We already told the police. It's been a day. They're not doing shit."

He shakes his head. "But why?"

"Oliver said that their dad was an ex cop there and their mom was the sheriff. You put it together." I sigh.

He made a face and stared at the wall. "Why would that have to do with what they're doing to Oliver?"

I watch him. "Answer this," He looks at me. "if you were the sheriff of the county and you heard that your sons were doing something bad to another kid, what would you do?"

"Beat their ass." He said.

I sigh. "Not all parents are going to do that. Some don't give a shit and they let their kids do whatever."

I felt my phone vibrate and saw a text from Georgia. She told me she missed me and I sent her a text back before looking at Charles.

"We have to talk to Oliver. Sit him down and get him to tell us everything. Right now, there's nothing we can do. No evidence. No nothing to prove to anyone." He stated.

I nod as I knew that was the best way to go. But, I wasn't sure if Oliver was going to cooperate.


"Have you ever been to his house?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

Charles continues to drive. "Then how the hell do you know where we're going?"

"Mrs. Shuler's address on one of her cards that she handed out to use at the beginning of the school year." I smiled, holding the card. "Duh."

He shakes his head. "You annoy me sometimes."

I look at the card then around, noticing that we were getting close.

When the house came in view, I told Charles that was the house. He pulls into it and kills the engine. "Ok," He sighs. "what are we going to explain to Mrs. Shuler why we're here?"

"Just follow my lead."

We got out and started walking towards the door and I heard Charles mumbling behind me. "Yeah, cause you walk in a straight line."

I turn to look at him before knocking. I waited until I heard someone opening the door and Sam stood there looking at us, surprised.

"Hey? What are you two doing here?"

I smile. "We came to see Oliver." She raised an eyebrow and I quickly continued. "Homework. Project. Thing." I grinned.

She was hesitate but didn't ask any questions as she opened the door to let us in. After she shut the door, we walked through the house and came into a living room.

"Oliver," Sam spoke, which made Oliver turn his head as he was sitting on the couch. "you have company."

When he saw us, his face turned white. He quickly got up and rushed us out of the living room and upstairs, I'm guessing to his room.

After he shut the door, he stared at us with anger. "What are you doing here?"

"We came to talk." I said.

He shook his head. "No, no. I am not talking to you. I already told you, Kenna."

"We want to help, Oliver." Charles said. "Please tell us why they're after you."

He shook his head but I spoke. "We care about you." I cross my arms, ready to fight back. "Maybe your moms would love to know about it."

He stared at me, wide-eyed. "You wouldn't."

"We would and we are, if you don't tell us." Charles spoke.

Oliver looked between us for a moment before sighing. "Alright. Sit." He motions towards his bed. We both sit down as he was standing in front of us. "My mom, Olivia, was married once before she and Sam married." He took a breath. "The man she was married to, his name was Alex Fields. I don't know the whole story between them but the twins explained to me that he killed himself because of her."

I watched as I was trying to understand all of this but it was hard.

"They told me that they were born after his death and their mom has never forgave my mom for what she did. They swore they'd get revenge no matter how long it'll take."

I look over at Charles as he looks at me with the same confusion. I look back at Oliver. "That's stupid."

"There's nothing I can do." He says.

I shook my head as Charles spoke. "Get help. Tell someone about it. Get them in trouble."

I watched Oliver for a moment. "What all have they did to you?"

He sighs and shuts his eyes. "Nothing bad, yet. Threatened me. Hit me." He shrugs.

"How are you hiding this from your moms?" Charles asks.

He shrugs. "Very cautious. If my moms found out, everything would be so bad."


Oliver shook his head, looking somewhere else. "The twins told me that if I ever tell anyone, they would kill me. I mean, that's what they're planning on doing anyways."

Charles shook his head. "It's stupid. They're doing this because their dad committed suicide? How do we even know that Mrs. Shuler was to blame?"

Oliver shrugs. "Look, I'm glad y'all care and I should have not told you but please just leave it alone."

"How the hell are we going to do that?" Charles looks at me then back at him. "We're helping you, Oliver. We're in this together."

He held his fist out and I smiled as I placed mine next to his. We waited for Oliver as he was watching us until he slowly placed his fist against ours.

"Let's go take them down."

Love, Miss Kelly [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now