meeting her

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Finn walked towards the brunette, a warm smile plastered on his face.

The girl saw him and almost immediately, her cheeks flushed red again. Finn furrowed his eyebrows thinking she must be embarrassed again, why would she though?

"Need help?" Is all Finn asked, pointing to her cooler that she was trying to drag along.

She smiles and looked to the cooler and back to him, "Uh, yeah sure, thank you." She says, and looks up at him to admire his features. His eyes were shielded by a pair of black sunglasses, so she couldn't see his eyes.

Finn just stared at her for a moment before smiling and grabbing the cooler.

Instead of just rolling it like anyone would do, he picked the whole thing up and just set it atop his shoulder. It surprised the girl to say the least.

"What's your name?" The girl asked as they walked side by side to the small parking lot.

Finn gave her a quick glance, pointing to himself, "Finn."

She smiled once again at how adorable he was, thinking about how unique his name is. For some reason, she was getting his odd feeling about him, there was just something about him.

He looked familiar but not really. And the name Finn? It sounded so familiar to her and she couldn't remember why, so she just brushed off the feeling and continued walking with this nice boy.

"I'm millie. I saw you watching us play, you could've subbed in you know?" Millie says in a kind tone, watching as he carried the cooler with ease while she just carried a blanket.

His hands began to sweat.

He was dressed in some odd clothes but she didn't really care, he was being kind to her so the least she could to was be kind back.

Finn furrowed his eyebrows as they approached her car, it was a small black car.

He set the cooler down and looked to Millie, confused out of his mind.

"Subbed?" He asks innocently, his eyes curious as to what the word means. Millie just furrows her eyebrows and crosses her arms, looking up at him, "yeah, like, you could've played by trading someone's spot out." She answered unsurely, rubbing her arm because she was so nervous in the moment.

Why is he so cute?

Finn thought for a moment, then he got what she was trying to say so he nodded.

Suddenly there was a silence between the two as she opened her passenger door and Finn put the cooler in the seat.

Then she shut the door and looked to Finn, giving him a small smile. He returned the smile which caused Millie's smile to widen even more.

"Thank you." Millie says suddenly, catching Finn off guard.

He furrows his eyebrows and looks down at her, "You said that." Finn states seriously, his eyes concentrated on her brown ones.


Finn just purses his lips, not knowing how to word it to her. Then she gets the idea and helps him out

"That I said thank you, again?" She asks, Finn nods in reply and she shakes her head.

"Is that a problem in your book?" She asks jokingly, laughing to herself. Finn enjoyed the sound of her laugh, he liked hanging out with this girl for some reason. He suddenly stuttered out a quiet laugh.

Finn shakes his head quickly, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down at his feet.

"You don't talk much do you?" She abruptly asks, walking around the car to the drivers seat door and Finn follows her.

She smiles as he just shakes his head no once again, not really saying anything.

"Well, I'll see you later? You live around here?" She asks yet another question, although he didn't mind answering them for her. He shrugged causing Millie to laugh as if he was joking.

He honestly didn't really know what he was going to do since he was only staying at the hotel for two days.

"Well, bye I guess." Millie says and gets in the car while flipping her sunglasses down. Finn backs up and smiles, waving bye to her. He can see her smile through the glass as her cheeks indented with dimples.

Soon she leaves and Finn just realized he should've asked for her number so he could contact her again. The only reason he has a phone is to call people.


Finn was eventually back in his hotel room, savoring everything because it was his last night here.

Then he decided to open up his backpack and grab his snacks he had gotten.

As he opened the bag, he realized he learned how to count money awhile ago, then he decided to count how much he actually got from dacres safe to see.

He grabbed multiple stacks out from the secret pocket and placed them in front of him as he sat in the middle of the bed.

All of them were in the form of one hundred dollar bills.

He counted every single one last night and got up to over $11,000 dollars. Since he spend basically a thousand already, he had at least $12,000 dollars before.

His eyes widened at how much money he had, he only grabbed like eight stacks out of the twenty. Then a light bulb went off in his head, finn just taught himself how to count, at least he thinks so, if that's how counting works. He was definitely learning.

Finn sighed and put all the money back in the secret pocket, collapsing into the bed and falling asleep eventually.


They finally met! But how are they gonna meet again?👀

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