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Finn had driven for a few minutes after the gas station, trying to find a good place to stay. Charlie has told him about this place, even though he couldn't read the welcome sign, he had a gut feeling he was here without realizing.

Before he escaped, Charlie talked about this place that you could stay at if you paid the people.

Finn couldn't quite recall the name, something around hoes hell or hotel, either of the two.

Charlie said that this specific place is where he met the love of his life, but he had to go away and eventually he stopped seeing her and answering her calls after he joined the gang.

Finn thought the story was so beautiful, he loved listening and paying attention to details.

Soon, he had spotted a very nice looking building after driving deeper and deeper. He was probably on the outskirts of Los Angeles by now.

It was huge and there was many different people coming in and out every few minutes.

Finn drove up and he went under this weird roof that wasn't really a roof.

He watched as an older looking couple got out of a blacked out suburban and talked to this man and then they went inside.

Finn copied the older couple, driving up to the front and parking the car.

He got out with all his stuff, watching as another man approached him who was dressed in head to toe in black and white. Like a weird dress code or something.

Finn eyes the guy as he walked closer, "Good evening." The man said and bowed, looking at his car and holding his hand out.

"We offer valet parking, sir." The man spoke again, Finn just furrowed his eyebrows and shrugged, not really knowing or caring what the man said but he knew it had to do with the car.

Finn slapped the keys into the older guys hand, who was much shorter than him.

"Keep safe." Is all Finn says, nodding and walking inside. The older man just smiled and nodded, getting in the shiny red car and going to the parking garage.

As Finn went up to the glass doors, he stopped in front of them to admire the marble and granite architecture of the building. Everything looked so beautiful, he liked the style and fanciness.

As he approached the doors, they slid open, causing Finn to jump. He looked at the doors and backed up, they closed.

Then he takes a step forward, they open.

He keeps opening and closing the doors until a middle aged lady asks him nicely to stop. He smiles and waves to the lady, walking further inside with rosy cheeks.

A few people eyed him and his outfit. His clothes weren't the best and he definitely stood out from all the rich people who wore suits.

The whole place looked like a castle to Finn. An astonishing and amazing castle.

He walks up to a desk where a man is standing, he was in some weird device. It was square and big, there was lots of buttons in front of it on another big square.

Basi-cally a giant phone? Finn thought, questioning all these new things he's stumbled upon.

"Can I help you, sir?" The man asks, not looking away from the giant phone.

Finn jumps out of his thoughts and looks up in question.

"A room perhaps?" The man asks once again, now looking up from the computer. Finns eyes widen and he understands what the man is asking now, he opens his secret backpack and hands the man a one hundred dollar bill.

The man furrows his eyebrows.

"Sir, it's 350 a night." The man says, eyeing Finns appearance as he looked up at the man in question. Then he looks at the money, seeing the 100 across each corner, then a spark goes off in his brain.

He knows how money works now, this whole time he was confused it's so easy.

He smiles and holds up his finger going off to the side so a few more guests can reserve a room so they don't have to wait.

Finn stops and thinks how many nights he would need. Luckily he had grabbed a lot from dacres safe, so he just pulled out seven hundred dollars and stood in the like till he was the very last one.

The man looked up at him expectantly, raising an eyebrow, unamused.

Finn hands him the money and the man counts it, nodding in acceptance and thanking him. The man gives him a card and Finn furrows his eyebrows, eyeing the card as he flips it in his hand.

"That's your room key, room 353 on the third floor." The man says and continues his work, answering a phone call.

Finn sighs and walks to where everyone seemed to be going, it was another weird sliding door except it was gold.

He walked up to the elevators, pressing one of the buttons and suddenly one of the sliding doors open magically. Finn widens his eyes and gets in cautiously, slightly jumping because it would wobble each time.

A few more people got in with him and he just smiled to them.

Eventually they ended up in the third floor and Finn got off with some random person, both of them going separate ways.

As he walks down the hall, he sees numbers on the fancy white doors and looks down at his card, noticing a number written in black ink.

He walks and walks until he reaches the door with the same number on it. He sees a small picture of a drawing on the bulky handle, it looked like a card being slid into the little slot.

Finn copied the picture and the door opened to his surprise.

It was very dark, goosebumps appeared on his skin at how cold it was. He flipped a switch on and all the lights came on.

His eyes widened at how huge his room was.

There was a bathroom on his right and a large closet on the other side, then it leaded down a hall and into the full room.

There was a queen sized bed and a table in the corner, along with a flat screen tv hung on the wall. There was also curtains in the very back.

Finn threw all his stuff down and sprinted towards the curtains, quickly snatching them open to see a beautiful view of mountains and a long street with many cars and big buildings.

He was in awe at the beauty of the window, but it wasn't any ordinary window, it was a balcony.

Finn opened the door and he felt a warm breeze over take him.

He stepped out and leaned onto the rail, breathing heavily at how excited he was. It was so exhilarating being up this high too. His heart picked up quickly and he just shouted in excitement, laughing, holding his hands up in the air and closing his eyes like a little kid.

Everything around him felt so unreal.


He's so cute guys oml😪

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