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The school day was going by somewhat smoothly, but now it was lunchtime. Initially Megan was worried on where she was going to sit, but now she doesn't have to worry about that anymore.

Apparently the whole fifty percent of everyone dying thing was called "the blip", and Megan thought that was a "stupid ass name."

The old lunch table was still there, and to Megan's surprise nobody was sitting there. At least for now.

Michelle walked up to Megan who was waiting for her with a lunch tray in her hands. "I can't believe nobody else sits there."

"Yeah." Megan said. "Me too."

It was so weird for Megan end Michelle to see each other again. Megan literally saw Michelle die right in front of her. It was kind of difficult to see her acting normal as if she didn't die in her arms.

They sat down at their old table, feeling some sense of normal for the first time in forever. Peter and Ned saw the two girls there, and decided to go sit with them. The fallen ones gotta stick together, right?

"Hey guys." Ned greeted them enthusiastically. How was he being so positive? Megan wanted his secret.


"Oh, thank GOD!" A voice yelled out. It was a voice that the entire table recognized, and they all wanted to slap themselves in the face.

"Flash." They all groaned.

"Man, I swear. I thought I was gonna be alone!" Flash whined." Can you imagine, me, all alone with no friends? No way dude! The Flash Flash hundred yard dash ALWAYS has some cool dudes and dudettes by his side."

"You know what? I'm kinda glad he's here." Megan says, putting on a somewhat forced smile. "One more familiar face for us."

"At least someone thinks that." He scoffs and sits down next to Megan, which caused both Peter and Michelle to give a look to each other. "Did you guys see Betty? She was looking pretty crushed."

"Betty's here?" Ned perks up.

"Uh, yeah!" Flash rolled his eyes. "I couldn't be bothered to say hi to her."

"Well where is she?" Michelle asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" He said. Come on, he probably knew but didn't want to say anything.

"Because you saw her, stupid." Peter sasses Flash.

"Don't sass me, Penis Parker!" Flash yells.

"Oh my god, can you not be an asshole for one second?" Megan says as calmly as possible.

"Woah, Megan. Still feisty as ever." Now this made Peter want to smack the shit out of Flash. He heard the somewhat flirty tone in his words, and he hated it. But he wouldn't want to do anything to really fuck shit up.

"Guys?" They all turned in unison to see Betty. She stood in a very classic Betty outfit with her black headband that she couldn't live without. "I didn't think you'd all be here."

"Neither did we, so sit down." Michelle demands (with good intentions).

"So uh," Everyone could tell Betty was pretty anxious. Maybe she would calm down more once she got used to the situation they were in, but the girl lost her best friend sophomore year. She's been through enough. "Are any of you doing the decathlon again?"

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