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Time Skip

It never got better.

Megan ignored Peter day after day. It was known that Megan could hold a grudge until the end of time, but could she hold this one any longer? It was getting severely heartbreaking and sad every day it kept going.

Michelle, for one, was tired of it. Of course she understood why her best friend was upset, but things had to change. And things were definitely changing thanks to a school trip.

"Two weeks in Europe? I think I'd rather be laying in bed." Megan wasn't very fond of going on the trip, mainly because she knew who would be coming along. Plus she did not want any parts of third wheeling since she noticed "crybaby" Brad Davis had been eyeing Michelle for quite some time.

"Come on, Meg. This'll be fun!" Michelle whined to her. "As one half of MJ squared, I'm telling you that you have to go. Plus imagine all of the aesthetic pictures you can take for your Instagram."

Now this had Megan more interested. "True..."

"And maybe you can make up with a certain someone..." And now the moment was ruined. "Not happening. Wait, why are we walking towards-"

"Sup dorks!" Michelle says to Peter and Ned, who were in the middle of a conversation. Michelle, being the observant person she is, could hear Peter's plan to patch things up with Megan, so that instantly caused her to play wingwoman. "Excited about the trip?"

"Hi! MJ, Meg. Um, yeah. We were just talking about it." Peter replies, fiddling with a scrunchie on his wrist that belonged to Megan. Even after everything he still kept it. She gave it to him because she never wore it. It was full of eccentric patterns, which seemed like something she would get.

She noticed that it was on him, but didn't say anything. Probably because his Midtown sweatshirt still hung in her closet. Little did Megan know that Peter spent a lot of his nights with the hair accessory close to him with some tears involved.

"Yeah, and Peter's plan." Ned chimes in, then Peter gives him a look for mentioning it.

"Plan?" Michelle asked, acting like she didn't hear their entire conversation from before.

"Six steps to be exact." Ned adds, making Peter ever more angry at him.

"A six step plan?" She raised an eyebrow. "Yikes."

"Well it's kind of an important one." He shrugs.

"Oh really? What is it?" The two teenage boys still didn't know that she knew. They should know by now that she's an "observant queen" as Megan likes to say.

"Nothing. It's not important." Peter quickly said as he looks at Megan dead in the eyes. Was he trying to hint that his plan was about her? She didn't catch on anyway.

"Cool, cool. By the way, travel tip. You should probably download a VPN on your phone so the government can't track you while we're abroad." Michelle deadpans.

"Also it unblocks all the websites the school has blocked." Megan says cheerfully. "But the school year is practically over so..."

"Awesome." Peter attempts to talk to her. "Thanks."

"Welp. Buh-bye losers!" Michelle and Megan begin walking off, but Peter has one last thing to say. "Will you ever find another insult?"

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