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Megan went out into the streets, heading to the carnival to find Peter. She was tired of the ditching and let downs, so she decided to go after him. But before she could do so, Michelle found her.

"Meg!" Michelle yells out.

"MJ? What are you doing out here?" Megan questioned.

"Um, you left me with Brad and I couldn't just let you be out here alone." She replied.

"Awe, how sweet." Megan said in awe.

"I knew you guys were gonna be here!" They both turn to see Betty and Ned hand in hand, but Ned was looking really nervous for some reason. Megan had to make note to find out why. "That opera? Boring!"

"Betty? Ned?" Megan raised an eyebrow. "Why are you here?"

"We saw you leave and I assumed you went to the carnival, which you did!" Betty says.

"Uh huh, yeah." She faked a laugh. "I gotta go, so..."

"Oh, okay. See ya!" Megan grabbed Michelle's hand and dragged her further into the crowd, hoping she could find Peter.

The music from the carousel and the noises from the crowd were pretty loud, but the sudden rumble in the ground was louder. "What was that?"

Smoke started to appear, which worried both of them. "Something definitely not good."

Lava burst up from the ground, oozing out onto the streets. The lava formed into a giant monster, then everyone began screaming and running, including Megan and Michelle.

"What the hell is that?" Megan yells whilst running for her life.

"I don't know!" Michelle yells back.

Megan and Michelle ended up getting lost in the crowd of people, so Megan hid behind a building and waited for the running crowd to die down. She assumed Michelle would probably make her way back to the hotel, and Michelle's life felt more important than hers.

Michelle noticed Megan was gone when it was too late, and immediately began yelling out for her name. "Megan! Where are you?"

She decided to run in the other direction to find her, which she did quickly. Michelle immediately hugs Megan, thanking god that she didn't actually lose her forever.

"Thank god you're alive." Michelle whispers.

"You too-"

A mysterious device hit the ground and landed a couple feet away from them, and the two decided to look at what was going on. They've look to see what appeared to be Peter distracting the monster they saw pop up earlier, with Mysterio doing the fighting.

"Is that Peter?" Megan questioned.

"Seems like it." She says. "We should go."

"Definitely." After that Michelle began to run, but Megan quickly picks up the device and catches up with her.

While they were running away from anywhere but there, a giant boom occurred, and they had assumed the worst. But really it was the end of whatever that thing was, and they noticed green sparkles in the sky.

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