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The Press Conference

Peter stood behind a podium (also standing on top of a small box that even Tony Stark would stand on), with what seemed like dozens, maybe even hundreds, of reporters and journalists alike dying to hear from him.

"Mr. Parker! What are your opinions on Quentin Beck?" A journalist asked.

"Uh, if I'm being honest I kind of feel bad for him." Peter answered. In a way, yes, but he was told to not speak negatively of him for the sake of his own reputation. "When I first met him he was someone I thought I could look up to, but he ended up betraying my trust. I believe he had some sort of issue and that's why he did what did."

While the questioning was going on, Megan and the rest of the group stood to the side to watch Peter. Flash was star struck to the whole thing while everyone else acted like it was just another day. At one point Happy asked Megan if he could have her mom's number and these were her words:

"Happy, I'm gonna he honest with you. I barely know you but I know for sure I wouldn't want you to be my step dad."

He definitely didn't want her mom's number anymore.

"Do you have any comments about the trial?" Another reporter asked.

"I have one thing to say. I wouldn't be standing here a free man if it weren't for Megan Jackson." Peter said proudly. "You may not know her now, but you definitely will when she takes the courts by storm. I love her so much and I owe her my life after this."

Megan watched in awe as he spoke about her like that. She couldn't believe she was being mentioned. She didn't believe that she did much, but it clearly had an impact, and Peter would forever be grateful for her.

The questions went on with a few silly questions and some questions regarding the trial, but one big question came up that Peter wasn't sure how to answer.

"Mr. Parker! Will you continue being Spider-Man?" Peter looks over to Megan, and it felt like time froze. He remembered how she didn't want him to be Spider-Man and how it always got in the way. He could walk away right now and just be with her for how ever long they last, which right now felt like a lifetime.

She noticed how he was questioning this more than he should. Megan almost a year ago would've told him to quit for her, but now she would say otherwise.

He gave her a questioning look, and all she did was nod at him, as if she was telling him that the answer was clear, that he should continue being Spider-Man.

"As long as I'm breathing and New York needs me, I'll be your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." Peter replies with a smile.

"Mr. Par-"

Happy then heads over to the podium to end the press conference. "That'll be all the questions Peter will be taking. Thank you for your time."

Peter walks over to everyone with the happiest look on his face, one that was extremely noticeable.

"What's got you all smiley? It's weird." Michelle asks.

"I'm just," He paused. "really glad that I can still be Spider-Man."

"How about we celebrate?" Megan proposes, which everyone agrees on. What's better than celebrating at the place where it all started.

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