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Megan was now back at the diner. It was back to the way things were, sort of.

"So, what's up with you and Betty?" Megan asked Michelle. Megan currently leaned against the counter while Michelle sat on the stool tapping her fingers.

"I think I lowkey converted her." Michelle shrugged. It wasn't much converting, it was kind of like an awakening.

"Seriously?" She raised an eyebrow.

"What can I say? Ladies are jonesing for the Jones." Michelle joked.

"Never say that again." Megan shook her head.

"Awe." She frowned. "I like it."

"It's a little cringey." Megan said. It kind of was, but Michelle was pretty proud of her little phrase.

"Hush. I can't be single forever." Michelle rolled her eyes. "I literally roll my jeans so people know I will fuck anybody."

"But you're a virgin-"

"Shh," She interrupts Megan. "so are you."

Betty enters the diner with a huge smile on her face, then runs up to Michelle and sits down next to her. "Hey, M to the J!"

"Hey, Bet to the Ty!" Michelle greets her. Megan definitely noticed the change in mood. Had she been crushing on Betty this entire time and just didn't say anything? Or was it a new discovery Michelle didn't realize until today?

"Can I be Meg to the An?" Megan asked, kind of feeling left out on their cute little thing.

"Doesn't work with you." Michelle said a little too quickly.

"So are you guys like a thing now?" She questioned the two, raising an eyebrow. "What's your ship name? Bichelle? BJ? Oh my god-"

"Meg," Michelle looks at her with a hint of disappointment. "I love you, but I can't believe you would even suggest BJ."

"God, just answer my question!"

"Megan, MJ and I are both very smart women and I don't know if the people can handle our power." Betty replies, sounding as if she were some wise old woman when really she's just a teenager.

"That doesn't answer my question." Megan said, still confused as ever.

"Yeah, well aren't you working?" Betty asks her sassily.

"I am, but every time something important is happening there's never anyone else around." She shrugs. It really was something that happened, and Megan noticed it every time.

"You know what? I just noticed that." Michelle says, now questioning pretty much everything.

"Oh, I noticed it like ever since Peter walked into this stupid diner." Megan laughed.

"Huh, weird."


Pete 🕷
On my way!
2 minutes I swear

Meg 🦋
Don't text and swing!!


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