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The Day Before The Trial

The trial was in less than 24 hours, and it was pretty scary for both Peter and Megan. The rest of his life would be determined, and the thought of it was unsettling. It could go two ways: 1. Peter was found not guilty or 2. Peter was found guilty and thrown to jail for god knows how long. Nobody knew how this would end, and they wanted to know but also didn't at the same time.

Despite Megan having work today, she called off pretending to be sick. This was the first time she had ever done this and she wasn't sure how she managed to pull it off. Maybe her fake coughs were that convincing to Billy.

Right now Peter and Megan were laying on his bed, not doing anything. Just laying there beside each other with unbearable silence.

"Peter?" Megan said to break the silence. "Are you scared? Ya know, for tomorrow?"

"I hate to say it, but I am." Peter replied. Of course he was scared. Scared shitless as a matter of fact. Sometimes he wished his life was normal, but then he probably wouldn't have Megan, and who knows what he'd do without her.

Megan wished she was in his shoes for a day, just so she could truly understand him. In a way she did understand Peter, but not completely.

Their hands brushed against each other, and it felt like they were at the Charles bridge all over again. The feeling of hands being held still remained new to them.

"Hey." She turned to her side, facing him. "Everything's gonna be okay. You have the evidence you need and there's no way that people won't believe it."

"I hope." He sighed.

Megan grabbed his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. "No matter what happens, I'll always love you."

"Whitney Houston is quaking." Peter joked, trying not to laugh in such a serious moment.

"Come on!" Megan rolled her eyes. "I'm actually being sentimental!"

"You were basically asking for it!" He chuckled.


"How about we forget about this and just cuddle?" Peter asked.

"Seriously?" She raised an eyebrow.


"I mean, I guess," Megan shrugged. "but I've never exactly cuddled anyone before, so um, yeah."

"Me either." Peter replied. "I crave intimacy as much as I fear it."

"Wow, same." She said, actually relating to him. It's not so often that Megan can relate with Peter, mainly because he's, well, a superhero.

"Well the way you initiated the first kiss back in London says otherwise." He smirked, making her cheeks a small tint of red.

"Shut up." She turns her body to the other side, initiating that she'd be the little spoon, unless Peter said otherwise, which he didn't. "Let's just cuddle. And don't get too weird."

"Considering that I've accidentally been on top of you before, it can't get any weirder." Peter said. That sure was a moment for them.

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