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"I don't know if we can be together." Peter choked up saying it. He loved Megan more than anything, but how could they be together when he was facing jail for something he didn't do?

Despite Peter trying to push Megan away, she wasn't having any of it. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to say no to that."



"Come on, they're probably going to lock me up forever!" He exclaims.

"Don't say that!" She raises her voice. "I can't lose you again."

"There's nothing we can do." He looks down, as if he was ashamed. Well he was ashamed. Everyone knew who he was now and he wished they didn't.

"But there is! We can prove you innocent!" Megan says. She had every hope that there was a way, and she vowed to make Mysterio pay.


"Peter, I did not go through months of not talking to you just to lose you again." She said sternly. There was no way she was going to let him go now. "Remember what I said? You're the one I choose."

"I wish I could say the same." Peter sighs. He loved her. He really did. But the stars weren't aligned right now.

"I'm gonna fix this, Peter." Megan assures him.


"Come on, are you seriously doubting an aspiring lawyer like me?" She rolls her eyes jokingly.

"Should I doubt you?" He questioned.

The officer opened the door out of nowhere, telling them that their visit was over. "Time's up."

"I gotta go. But trust me, I know what to do. I love you." Megan then leaves the room, waving goodbye as she did.

"I love you too." He says, but he said it after she left. Peter wanted to have faith, but he couldn't help but think that he was doomed.


"May, I'm telling you there's something up with that video." Megan said. She was currently in the front seat of May's car, and the whole situation was never getting off her mind.

"It seems pretty realistic to me." May shrugs. Was she doubting her nephew's innocence? She didn't want to believe it because she loved Peter like he was her son, but that video felt way too real to not believe it. "This lawyer Happy called clearly has no faith in Peter and we need everything we can get to prove it's fake."

"Maybe check Peter's room for clues?" She proposes. There had to be something in there, right? "I'm willing to do it."

"Isn't your mom wondering where you are?" May asks her.

"No." Megan replied.

"If you think there's something in his room, then I guess you can check it out." She says.

"Don't you think it's a little weird for me to be in my boyfriend's room alone?" Megan raised eyebrow.

"I walked in on him in his suit before, I think I can handle a little more weird." May laughs, referring to the time she discovered that Peter was Spider-Man.

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