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Diary Entry #10

The last time I was here everything finally felt okay. I WAS WRONG! AGAIN! I need to stop getting my hopes up like this.

First of all, I never imagined that I would be dating a fucking superhero! Secondly, I didn't think he would be at risk of being locked up! Life's just too crazy man.

I finally have a boyfriend who, ya know, loves me for me and I finally got to have my first actual kiss. I refuse to count that time I kissed Flash in kindergarten as a dare. That shit was nothing compared to this.

Anyways, I really don't know what to do. I've tried to think of anything that was off with this video that was exposed to the whole world. Something just doesn't add up and I have yet to think of it. Maybe I will when I go to Peter's. The more brains, the better, right?

Praying my boyfriend doesn't go to jail,



Two Days Later

"So only you can do all the fancy shit?"

Megan and Peter were currently in his bedroom, going through any possible evidence for his case. They would've done this yesterday but duty called for Megan at the diner, so they had to have a rain check. For once Megan was the one that had something in the way. Well, sort of. Right now he was showing her the E.D.I.T.H. glasses, which were more than just a pair of silly glasses.

"Yeah, only I have control of E.D.I.T.H. unless I pass on the control to someone else," Peter said. "which is what I did to Beck before I knew he was, you know..."

"A psycho?" Megan questioned.

"I guess that's what he is." He shrugged. "Happy told me that he apparently worked for Mr. Stark years ago but got fired for being "unstable." Makes sense, really."

"Mr. Stark like Tony Stark?" She raised an eyebrow. Megan remembered what Happy said yesterday, and she thought maybe she should bring it up.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's just..." But Megan thought about it a little more, and maybe it was a bad idea. "never mind."

"What?" Peter asked.

"Yesterday Happy said something that you really looked up to him." She said slowly, almost questioning herself after every word.

"I did." He nodded, almost tearing up. "I really did."

"I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry-"

"Hey, it's fine. I'm still not exactly over his, um," Peter paused. "death, but he was a great man."

"Well he gave his life to save the world, so I'd say he's pretty fucking great." Megan put on a smile, trying to put light to the situation.



"Am I like your bad boy boyfriend now?" Peter asked her.

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