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The two rushed to Peter's hotel room and shut the door behind them. "I can't believe I gave him the Edith glasses."

"Who the hell is Edith-"

"Meg, this is serious!" Peter exclaims. Anyone could tell how stressed he was, and Megan definitely noticed it. "How could I be so-"

Megan tripped over one of the legs of Peter's bed frame, but when Peter tried to catch her he ended up falling on the floor with her.

While she laid flat on her back, he had his hands pressed on the ground with their faces inches apart. Peter couldn't tell if the look in her eyes were fear or desire, but it was more fear with a hint of desire that she didn't want to admit.

"Um." She froze. Megan wasn't sure what to do with him being so close to her, mainly because she could feel him breathing on her and he could just lean in and kiss her right now. Of course he wanted to kiss her, but if he did that would only make things worse and more awkward than they already were.

"I should-"


Peter quickly got up and extended his hand to pull her up, and she gladly grabbed it. The moment their hands touched their was some sort of spark, and they both chose to ignore it.

"Thanks." Megan awkwardly smiled.

"No problem." He says, but they had to get to business. "Um, I have to call Mr. Fury and tell him Beck's a fraud but I think he tapped my phone and he probably has killer drones after me."

"You had access to killer drones?" She asked in a very confused and fearful way.

"Yeah, but I didn't really want them after I almost blew up the bus and killed Brad." Peter shrugged, which didn't sound any better.

"You tried to kill Brad?" Megan questioned. "That's MJ's potential boyfriend! Well, I hope."

"Oh, come on. He's not as innocent as you think." He said, hinting to Brad trying to blackmail him over that stupid photo.

Megan raised an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It's not important right now!"

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "But what are you gonna do? You're kinda fucked if you stay here."

"Uh, I need my suit and I have to go to Berlin and talk to Mr. Fury in person-" Peter takes off his shirt in front of Megan without thinking, and she immediately notices how ripped he is. She didn't mean to have her eyes immediately go down to his physique, but she couldn't help it.

"I'll just turn around..." She coughs. While Peter was getting changed into his suit, Megan tried her very best to not peak a look, but she did anyway. Luckily she didn't get caught in the act.

Once Peter was suited up, he zipped up his suit and gave Megan the all clear to turn around. She looks at him in the suit, giving her many reminders of their failure to be something. There she stood in front of him, wishing she could go back to simpler times. Even back when she didn't know it was Peter who was Spider-Man.

Megan grazes her fingers against the fabric of his suit, holding back tears. It felt irrational to be this emotional, but this situation was all too dangerous for anyone to handle.

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