Chapter 3

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Rhiannas P.O.V

 I walk out into the halls as my phone begins to ring. I look down already knowing it was Cam.

 I don't bother to answer it.

He's outside waiting for me anyway.

As soon as I exit the school building I quickly look for Cams car.

Once I spot it I see Cam exiting his car with Chipotle and Starbucks.

I can't help but watch him in amusement as he tries to hug me with his arms full of food.

 "Hey, where do you want to go eat?" Cam asks

 "It's kinda hot so let's go sit in the shade."

 We both make our way towards a tree and sit down under while enjoying the soft breeze.

 "Made any friends?"

 "No, most people here suck."

 He laughs and shakes his head before looking down at his phone

 "I'm going to text some of my friends to sit with us so you won't be lonely during classes and stuff."

 I sigh and nod my head in agreement.

 I really didn't want to put up with Cams friends, I was happy being alone and I didn't want to be harassed with question about why I moved to Omaha, but knowing it would make Cam happy I decide to agree.

 A couple minutes later a small group starts to make their way towards Cam and I.

 I see JJ and smile but my smile instantly drops once I realise his hormonal friends are with him.

I quickly look down at my phone and decide to play a game and blast music through my headphones.

 Cam give me a look to tell me to stop being so antisocial but I just ignore him and go back to my phone.

 At this point the group has reached the tree we are leaning on.

I keep my eyes on my phone until a message pops up.

 C:  Get off your phone and stop being so antisocial

 I look up at Cameron who's sitting across from me before rolling my eyes.

He just smiles as I decide to obey and remove my headphones from my ears.

 "Guys this is Rhianna, Rhianna this is Mallory, Emily, Taylor, Sam, Jack and Jack but you can call him JJ."

 I give them all fake smiles except for JJ who I give a general smile.

My eyes quickly move back to Jack and Sammy who I give a quick glare to as they look at me in amusement.


 Cam decides to take out his phone and text someone.

I look around at the group awkwardly not sure on what I'm meant to say.

Cam was the social friend not me.

All of a sudden my phone starts to vibrate indicating I got a text from Cam?

 C:What's going on with you, Sam and Jack?

 R:Nothing I just don't like them.

 C:Just give them a chance they can be nice guys when they want to be.

 I decide to put my phone in my pocket and ignore Cam.

I have small talk with Mallory and Emily and they seem like generally nice people.

 Sam and Jack haven't bothered to talk to me which I'm thankful for but whenever I look in their direction they decide to wink at me or smirk which is really starting to piss me off.

I'm in the middle of talking to JJ when the bell rings.

 I say goodbye to Cam and JJ before start to make my way back to the school entrance.

 I hear the sound of running coming from behind me as I look up to see a girl with long black hair.

I give her a confused look before looking at my timetable, Maths...great

 "Hey you're new right?" I just nod hoping she'll get to the point.

 "I saw you with Jack and Sam, I'm just warning you they're bad news just please stay away, they're players and I wouldn't want to see them take advantage of you since you're new."

 I give her a fake smile and nod before she runs off to a group of girls. I walk into class and go up to the teacher's desk.

He introduces himself to me before introducing me to the class.

 "Okay class, we have a new student named Rhianna Connors."

 I decide not to look up and try and quickly find a desk when I get tripped by the blonde bimbo who I ran into in the hall earlier.

The class room fills with laughter as I feel my cheeks burn up with embarrassment.

I quickly grab my stuff and take the only spare seat next to yours truly Jack Gilinsky.

I sigh, I'm surprised no one was sitting next to him since all the girls glared at me with clear jealousy as soon as I sat down.

 "Hey, are you alright, just ignore her she's a snobby bitch." Jack says interrupting me from my thoughts

 "I'm fine." I say a more harshly then intended

 He rolls he eyes before saying "Seriously what's your problem I was just trying to be nice?"

 "Nothing my problem, I just think you're wasting your time. Whatever game you're playing at I'm not going to fall for it so just give up and move on to your next girl."

 His face seems shocked at first but then shortly turns into anger.

 "Are you serious, you've just met me and you're already assuming I'm a player, fucking judgmental bitch."

I decide to ignore him and focus back on my work pretending that I wasn't sitting next to some asshole.


I walk to my locker and open it when a note falls out. I look around to see if anyone is watching before I open it.

 Meet me behind the bleachers after school.

 I start to argue with myself about if I should go or not and who it could be from. I eventually decide to go and text Cam that I'll be another couple of minutes.

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