Chapter 30

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I’m currently outside Sams classroom waiting for him to finish.

I’m really nervous for tonight.

I knew Jack was coming for Cam but I honestly didn't want him to come.

I wasn’t going to talk to him because I knew he wouldn’t want me to.

My thoughts are interrupted by the bell ringing.

People fill the halls as I stand there patiently.

Jack and Leigh get out first. They’re too busy talking to realise I’m there until Sammy yells my name.

“Ello love” Sammy say in a British accent while he kisses my cheek

I laugh and roll my eyes.

“Ello sir” I respond, “You ready to go?”


I look up to see Jack looking at me while Leighs back was facing me. Instead of his normal glare his face was full of hurt and betrayal.

I gave him a confused look. Before he could do anything Leigh turns around so I quickly dart my eyes to the ground.

This is the most communication my and Jack have had since we had that fight.

I ignore it and continue walking.

I look up at Sam to see him observing the hall ways. It was pretty cute how protective he is.

I begin to laugh a bit which makes him change his gaze to me.

“What?” he asks confused

“Nothing” I say laughing again

“Tell me” he whines

“Fine, I was just thinking it was cute how protective you are”

“I’m not cute I’m sexy” he say trying to hide the blush that was obviously making its way on his face while he pouts.

“Okay whatever you say”

“Well anyway let’s get going.”

We both walk out and hop in his car before we begin to drive to mine.

We soon arrive at my house. I quickly go in and grab blankets, Cams laptop, my laptop, matches, pillows and food before getting change into comfortable clothes.

I rush out to Sammys car with my hands full of things while he laughs in amusement while I struggle.

“Instead of just laughing you could help ya know?’

“Nah, I’m good” he says

“Samuel” I say sternly

“Fine I’ll help just don’t call me that again” he says

“Okay thanks Samuel

He rolls his eyes and helps me put my stuff in the back seat.

Once we’re finish loading we get in his car and start to drive to the beach.


We arrive at the beach to see a familiar black jeep. I get out of the car and grab the laptops while I make Sam carry everything else.

We get down to the beach to the beach to see two boys that I instantly recognise.

I begin to get nervous. Maybe if I leave now I can actually give Cam a funeral alone.

Sam realises I’m getting nervous.

“You’ll be fine” he whispers. Yeah I hope

We finally reach them.

I don’t say anything and begin to set up the blankets and food. I get out Camerons laptop and put open the video app.

He had a lot of photos and videos of us when we’re kids but I didn’t want to watch them until it got dark because I knew Cam loved the stars so I wantted to start this whole thing then.

Once I’m finished the boys come sit down.

“Hey, we need to talk” he says

Before he can say anything more JJ speaks

“Well Sammy and I are gonna go and get firewood” he says as Sammy and him walk off

I roll my eyes and begin to follow Jack down the beach.

Jack POV

“So you’re moving…”

“That doesn’t matter, I thought you weren’t going to put up with my bullshit anymore” she says rudely.

“Rhianna I didn’t mean what I said I was just angry, I’m sorry”


That’s all I get and okay, well then.

“I miss you” I says quietly

“Jack you need to forget about me, you’re never gonna see me again after this so please move on”

This made me angry. How could I when she's everything I want. She was perfect to me and I didn't want anyone but her.

“I can’t, I don’t think you understand how hard it is for me to just block you out of my life, to see you sad. To see Sammy kiss you and not being able to do anything about it and now you’re moving”

“Jack-” she says before I cut her off

“No Rhi, you can’t do this to me, you can’t make me fall in love with you then move half-way across the country, you can’t just leave me like this, I know I won’t love anyone else like I love you more then anything. I would do anything for you, just please don’t leave me” I say getting quieter at the end

Next thing I know Rhianna lips are on mine. I don’t hesitate to kiss back as our lips move perfectly in sync with each other. I begin to hold her face and tilt my head to deepen the kiss. I can’t help but smile into it.

I mean how couldn’t I? I was currently experiencing the perfect kiss with the perfect girl.

She soon pulls away. I can’t help but smile.

I flutter my eyes open hoping to see the same expression but instead she has tears down her face.

Did I do something wrong?

“Jack, just because we kissed doesn’t change the fact that I’m not leaving tomorrow, You have know idea how much harder it's going to be for me to leave now but I am, I’m sorry Jack. I love you” she says before walking off

The rest of the night she ignores me as we continue with Cams funeral. It was nice and I ended up crying for the first time after the incident.

My emotions were all over the place.

I should be the happiest man on earth right now. SHE SAID SHE LOVED ME. But all I could feel was heart break.

She really leaving me.

(a/n this book is going to end soon but I think I'm going to make a sequel. Anyway I'm on summer holiday so I can write more often if i do a sequel so please comment and tell me your thoughts)

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