Chapter 2:Who Are You?

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Asher's POV 

I get home and I decide to text Josh. 

Ash- hey I'm a bit tired after set. Do you want to come over to my house after you wrap up

#######- You have the wrong number.

Ash- This isn't Josh?

They don't respond for another hour.

#######-Nope. Well i'll leave now.

Ash- Wait! I'm bored can we text?

#######- Sure. What's your name though?

Just what I was scared for, my name. Which is stupid. She would know my name if we started texting. I star in a Disney Channel show, Andi Mack, and a new DC movie, Shazam. Well if I tell her she might leak my number, or she might not even know me. Here goes nothing.

Ash- Asher angel

#######- Cool. I'm Julianna, but my friends call me Annie.

*Asher changed ####### to Annie*

That went better than expected. I guess she doesn't know me. That's really weird, usually everyone knows me. I'm happy she doesn't though. It's nice.

Annie's POV

Asher and I text for hours.We have a lot of things in common. I would love to meet him one day, but he lives 3,000 miles away from me. He told me he was an actor and singer. Then I realize Asher plays Jonah Beck on Andi Mack. Hayley obsesses over that show, so I ask him about it.

Anns- Quick question. Are you on Andi Mack?

Ash- How did you know?

Anns-My little sister obsesses over you.

Ash-Tell her I said hi then

Anns- I will

Ash-Are you going to treat me differently now?

Anns-No, I think it's stupid to treat famous people differently.

Ash-Thank you so much

Anns- You're welcome I guess

Asher and I texted for another two hours and the next thing I know it's 4am. I decide to go to bed and I have the craziest dream.

*In the dream*

Anns- Asher, I love you.

Ash- I love you more

Asher then kisses me. I look at my stomach and it looks like I'm 9 months pregnant. I stand up and look in the mirror and it looks like a 20 year old version of me and Asher looks like a 20 year old version of himself. Then I feel what I think is my water breaking. Everything fades away and then I'm holding a baby boy. I suddenly wake up saying "James Angel" with Hayley jumping on my bed. I hold my head and I suddenly have a pounding headache. Then my phone dings with a text from Asher. 

Ash- I had the weirdest dream last night with you in it.

Anns- So did I

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